Do i need to describe the feeling? The euphoria? The tears.... My italy!!!!!!!!! woo hooo!! They got out of that jinx... that 'we never win a match that goes to the penalty shoot-outs' jinx. But everything else, sticks to history. The power of history sort of dawned upon me last night... 1982 repeated. And i sat and cried in jubiliation...i jumped...i screamed.... Italy reach the finals once in 12 years, and they win alternately. Thats history. Italy lost out on penalty shoot outs, but definitely not in this one! Thats history broken! Its hats off to Cannavaro (the best defender i know), and Pirlo (who has such style in midfield), and Gattuso (mr.agrressive), And Del piero(here's class), And toni (record striker, and one hell of a smile, but didn do too well), and Camoranesi(rough!!), and Grosso(the man who scored that winning goal), and Matterazzi(the man who made dear Zidane let his team down,and the one who scored that first goal), and De Rossi(one more penalty), and the wall - Buffon!(world's most expensive goalie...in Nil's words, he counts money with those hands...he better save the goals! And he did... a great job!) And lastly, but not the least, coach Lippi. His startegy clicked... wow. And to the others... totti, iaqinta, perotta, zamborotta, and whoever's name that must have just slipped.... :D
The extent to which people around you believe in your team sometimes makes so much of a difference. And the people who made me believe italy were going to lift that cup... Nilesh (with all his flashnews and his own startegies to how italy are goin to play!), Sathya (who actually told me that i might have been azzurri by birth for one of my comments! That made me smile like hell), Nitya (who kept saying, just wait and see, they're going to win. Relax...), Sandhya (who made me call her and scream each time italy scored!), my dad (who sent sms' from kenya to say 'fantastic goal divs' like i'm the one who trained the team!)and sathya uncle (who again, sent sms' from kenya sayin go italy! and reminded me that kenya's always italy crazy)....Its been great watching the world cup with each of you guys! Thanks a million for making this fever work.... and thanks to Nik, tsb and anu who always kept the comments section of the blogs alive with football fever!! And ofcourse, Sukanya, for being as excited as me, and sincerely discussing each and every match we watched over the phone, during half time and after full time! You've been great company suk! :D
Its over.... and how much i've loved this past month, i cannot tell. Football's been in me since kenya... where it is like what cricket is to india. I grew up playing football, dirtying my white uniform with red sand, and watching it too... coming to chennai sort of stole that away from me... but i love espn for telecasting the worldcup this year... thats maybe the best thing thats ever going to happen to me this year! The month of june, and the first 9 days of july... magic. Football magic, azzurri magic. I'm going to miss it so terribly.... And its been so easy making conversation with anyone under the sun this one month! All one had to do was say 'hey did u watch yesterday's match....' blah, and the rest would follow! No more of that :( well... we all have to move on i guess! Heaven knows where i'll be and what i'll be doing when this happens again... but i'll watch it. South Africa calling!
The Azzurris worked their magic.... and i still remain charmed :D
Yours "ITALY WON THE FIFA WORLDCUP 2006 and it feels euphoric"ly
Signing off...
Divs!!!! great post di :D
i love seeing my name in black and white ;) ...well green in this case...but you know what i mean..
and i loved the bit about how your dad acted as if you were the coach...i myself acted like that several times :D hehe
yeah! football has been amazing...i have tried to schedule my lunch accordingly over the past month so that i could watch the matches and all!!...and my prof knew nothing about my plan :)
me and my dad...oohing and aahing at the right times...it has been a fantastic world cup! amen!
and in the midst of all this...i have to say
thanks for consistently being there for me divs :)
...just like a good football player ;)
anu - thanks :) it was a very heartfelt post... its a great feeling... to see your team win! some drunken joy...:D and i guess we all act like coaches alot!! There was once someone said 'apdiye nee thaan avaale ooti valatha madri!' when i said something abt italy being 'my italy'!!
Sly thing u dud there, abt that schedule of yours! Here it was all at nite...been sleeping late and waking up later! ;-) much to my mother's disapproval, but hell it sonce in 4 years!
and i just feel like singing the F.R.I.E.N.D.S i'll be there for u song :) anytime! :D
italy...i support...div supports...no she supports first then i...
Nil... we support!!! Thats it... i've always supported them :D It doesn matter who did it first and all...!!!
aah....italy won..nono.."your" italy won...though i wanted france 2..but it's been totally gr8 talking to u after every important half time and full time match!!and the one month has been totally fun...damn the set top box..but atleast they showed all the matches..but still it would be so gr8 if espn star sports is there withoutthe set top box...but thn i guess they'll probably show the highlights of the matches of the world cup on DD sports..:D:D. and football world cup can do stuff to people....lav actually started enjoying football and started watching the matches..!!!btw u could have used blue for the text colour....but greens good too!
well i thnk i must thank u (n my dad) for actually makng a "hard core" crkt fan like me actually njoy sum other sport as much as crkt , it was grt fun wtchng dose matches although i startd wtchng towards d end, n i guess in coll atlst we were discussng more bout wid team ka players luk better lol (germans widout doubt)xcept u ofcourse- more intrstd in d ftball details loll ;)
suk - yeah, i enjoyed it asmuch as u did! And abt the font colour, believe it or not, i thot abt it yester4day before goin to sleep... thot that i'd change it. And i'm going to do just that :) i actually wore blue to college the next day!!!! :D :D and abt the set-top-box, maybe we value these matches so much cuz we dont usually get to see them! Because i don rmbr watching anything when espn n star sports used to come before! and yes, football can do things to people :) It can teach u how to believe in something with all your heart... :)Its been a rockign month, and am still jealous abt your sportstar subscription! Anyway, lookin fwd to more discussions in the future!
Sand - i was initially so surprised when u started watching the matches... then i was happy! ya man, the players r damn smart.... i'd go for england before germany :)Its been great fun!
blue salwar...blue font....how long is it gonna be all blue???
and by the way in this week's sportstar it's cannavaro with the cup and the others of the team all screaming!!:D:D i guess that would have made u feel so much better!..jus kidding .u can read the magazine and veiw all the pics at sportstaronnet.com.
ya i guess ur rite...the fact that we haven't gotten to see an football because of the stp has made the matches more valuable...i guess they might show the euro 2008...maybe
suk - i don think it'll be blue for long...after all, how long can it last! ;-) But ofcourse i'll rmbr it forever... :D can u pl cut that pic out n give it to me suk!!!!!!!!!!! Pleeeeaaaassseee!!!! pretty please! will check out the site anyway. Thanks :) n yeah, maybe we'll just have to wait for euro 2008 for the magic to happen again..!!
wait...so where is it going to be held in 2008??? ohhh...how cool would it be to be able to actually go to the matches???!!!! jst think about that and savour the feeling :D
why are you feeling blue, divs?
anu - its goin to be in south africa!!!!!! and well, the tickets are damn expensive di. But if u agree to sponsor, i'll be pleased ot join you ;-) wat say?!! :D
tsb -i am feeling blue...but its not the 'blue' blue, its the victory blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D my italy's blue...!! well, i thot u din comment cuz italy beat germany... anyway, i think the blue's fading... :)
ofcourse....i'm no italy fan.
and anu is u r sponsoring then count me in too!!
suk - does that mean am getting the pic?? yaaay!!!! woo hooo... tell me when i can pick it up :) or so u want to drop it off? ;-) and well, i guess anu should get very rich by 2010! :D :D
u can pick it up any time..
and anu would be working by 2010 i guess so anu u'll have to start saving up from now!!:D:D
anu - where are u! we're all plannin a worldcup at your cost!! ;-)
italy rocks...its good for tummy fillin also...!! PJs...i jus luv canivaro...they way he phukin defnds...!!
niles - ya man... cannavaro's become my fave player now! He rocks man... he's such a wall...n ofcourse italy fills the stomach!! ;-) and the mind too...!! :D
what have you people been doing??? aammam...i will pay and you people go and come!!! heeheh yeah suk has a point, i WILL be earning by 2010, but then so will DIVS!!! haha...so she can also share the expenses..suk will get to travel without paying cvause she wont be earning by then...sound fair????!!!! hehe
GREAT!!!!!!! we get to pay just cuz we'll be earning aah??? very very nice.... romba nala irukku logic! hehe... suk, no fair! so its decided that we're travellin to south afica in another 4 years... and if any of u chicken out, u're so dead!
:D :D
:D:D:D i'm so glad i'm young!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok so then it's defenitely decided eh??south africa here we come!!!!
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