Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead man's chest.What on earth were the reviews complaining about? This movie, is one hell of a roller coaster ride, and i loved every bit of it, and screamed at the end...screamed because of the element of suspense, and that craving to watch the next movie that very moment and have every vein in my body overflow with the drunken pirate-ness! What a sequel, what a perfect bridge, what action, what special effects, what humour... what a flick! One of those made solely for the purpose of entertainment :)
Maybe i liked the movie because i was determined to like it from the very beginning... but really, i cant agree with any review that called it sub-standard. A woman on tv said it was a 2.5 hour promo to the 3rd movie, and that it was a drag with no proper story and didn't have enough of Johnny depp (My take on that, is that you just cant ever have enough of depp!). The guy who was on the show with her gave her one straight look and said "did you really understand the movie? cuz i loved it!" Yaay! I go with the guy! I dont think i need to talk abt the perfomances...they were just wow... and the music as usual! But i think some scenes have been shot beautifully in this movie! Better than the first one... Well, if you're looking for a movie that'll make you scream, whistle, jump in your seat and laugh like hell, this is definitely the one! 3 cheers to Gore Verbinski! Mr.director.... and obv to Mr.Depp!!! ;-)
I hate it when movies end with such climaxes that do nothing but pave way to the next movie, and make the audience wait forever! Argh.... but we will obv wait! And the wait shall definitely be worth it! So as Sudhish Kamath said in "The Hindu" - Gore,Bring Jack back, soon! We want Pirates of the Caribbean - At world's end! And SOON!
Johnny is such a good actor...damn! I've never ever been crazy abt an actor... he's the only one! Bless him! Depp, we're waiting for shantaram too :D
UPDATE 7/8/06 - Happy birthday Nikhil!!!! Mr.Leo... Hope u have a great day! And hope u give us one of those treats again ;-) Pizza hut, is never to be forgotten man! Maybe we should tell all your classmates who got just orange juice for a treat what a gracious host you played, once upon a time ;-) LOL! Have a blast!
Yours "Dont miss this for anything, i love Depp"ly
Signing offfff.....
romba vazhinjirukka.... my dad would ve wanted me to watch it for keira..but thank goodness he does not know abt the sequel...
You're crazy! Savvy ??
And btw, are you talking about the woman on headlines today ? She's 1 dumb idiot and i guarantee she can't even tell the difference between fly-shit and pepper!!
Sathya - do u even realise that i didn talk abt depp alone, but the movie? and that i could have written so much abt depp if i wanted to! Anyway, he still rocks!!! And i don like that female...shez not worth the love of 3 guys in the movie! Argh, jack included...cha!
Ignoramus - I am crazy, agreed! I was talkin abt the female on times now... and which one r u talkin abt? Garima? or kaveri? garima's the one who hosts the show n kaveri's the critic...
Anyway, the female was indeed dumb... Boy i love the way he says 'savvy?' ;-)
ur obssessed...totally.....well it's surprising that the movie was good...most sequels rn't...
Im talking about the one on Headlines today. Don;t remember her name. She comes along with Denzel O' Conneor some1 ( I was almost gonna say Denzel Washington!)
I didn't mind the ending too much because it was a perfectly constructed cliffhanger .. I loved this movie too, with my only beef being it was a little too long .. but since it was so much fun, I hardly noticed
suk - U havent seen him act! Thats why u're callin me obsessed :D i dont really mind it u know! lol... most sequels aren good - true. Lord of the rings was an excpetion... and now, pirates joins that list! :D
ignoramus - aah ya, her name is Kaveri...shez editor of india today. And i don like the way she comments either! Anyway, it wasn her who talked abt pirates... and i too have this urge to say denzel washington! or even read it as denzel washington on tv! LOL!
reel fanatic - I didn't mind the ending either! Just that it killed me! Cliffhanger indeed! and yeah, i din mind the length either... I was just too involved in the movie...i almost wished it never ended...well i guess i just cant have enough of it. Am already starting to hope that the 3rd one will be real long! ;-) and, welcome to my blog! Thanks for leaving a comment.
I just watched anold depp interview on tv... boy, good stuff... sathya - thanks for letting me know abt it! I feel like it was an hour worthily spent! ;-)
ah well i have seen him act...the new charlie and the chocolate factory...but he luked a female in that...with dark lipstick and stuff..
Suk - very unfortunately, charlie and the choc factory was nominated for worst perfomance of the year! Dono why... and dono if it won that award...but charlie's not the movie to watch johnny's acting... watch finding neverland...watch pirates... watch once upon a time in mexico, watch chocolat...watch edward scissorhands, and next year, watch shantaram. Am waiting for it.
do they actually have awards like that?????and i haven't watch any of the movies u've just mentioned...and heard of only a couple...shantaram is gonna be made into a movie???
suk - yeah i was quite stunned that they had such titles! Lol... n yes. the book is goin to be made into a movie starring johnny depp n helena boman carter i think. Not sure abt the female lead though...Its johnny's own production i believe... they're working on the screen play at the moment... most of the movie's goin to be shot in mumbai, afghanistan n Goa i guess... cuz those are the places in the book... so we're goin to have johnny in India for a while! :D And well, i think u should watch a couple of those movies... they're good! Ofcourse i'll say they're good...am the kind who'll watch any unheard of movie just cuz depp's in it! I've done that 3 times now... :)
"Deppy rocks man" - no doubt bout dat;)- N his performance superrrr cooool in pirates 2 - can ny 1 ever act so drunk throughout d flick ,such a NATURAl lollll
dnt wry divs , d 3rd one will be even longer,it better be - cos dat 'll be d last time w e'll be cing him as d ever so entertaining,evr so charming Jack Sparrow, oh sry Captain Jack Sparrow!!!
people of the world - i have a companion! whoz as obsessed as me... thankyou sandhya! We'll just hope.. :D and we're watchin movie 3 also together! Just that u just refuse to scream... argh! Wats so difficult abt openin your mouth n gettin that loud voice out in the name of jack sparrow! Next time, ok? Lol.. am just mad... yeah, he's a natural drunkard... lol.
oohh...mumbai,afghanistan and goa...it's a diff. combination...what's the book about??yep i'll def watch the movies if i get the chance to...and when lav comes there send her pirates 1!
the book... am goin to do a post on it suk. So i guess u can find out there :) its abt a fugitive on the run on the surface... but abt so many other things in life...its a very nice book. anyway, lav left, n i din give her the movie..we both metioned it in the beginning, but it very conviniently slipped while she was leaving... sorry abt that! i dono how u're goin to understand that 2nd movie without knowin the characters! but there's a lot more to enjoy in the movie... its one fun package! so have fun!
nik - Looks like u had a blast man! cool...I DID ask u if u were sleepin when i called...n u said 'no, i was out'! lol...no prob. U din sound gruffy or anything. Nice to know that She's made a mark on your collection of cards n gifts ;-) u better update that blog!
U were such a big crowd? Must have rocked then! We also had this totally whistling and screamin crowd... but they din do it just for depp! They did for all 3! Some movie man... made solel for the purpose of entertainment! And yes, the ending was indeed DELICIOUS! did he have to bite it with that monkey on his shoulder! 3rd part's goin to rcok! Savvy? ;-) :D lol Reminds of the time 14 of us went to see LOTR 3 on the day the board exams for over... was some fun! *sigh*
:customary post:
thankyou tsb, for honourin this blog with your visit ;-)
I haven't seen the movie yet. Ya.. I kno what im inviting onto myself by publicly disclosing this fact. Ah well.. The truth must be told.. my comments on the movie once i see it. Til then.. If its as good as the 1st one its def worth more than a just a watch...
i'll pick it up sometime later then..but then lav said that the 2nd movie has like nothing to do with the 1st..anyway i'll watch the first one first and then the second 1
tsunami - Long time! Hey i watched movie pretty late... so i guess i wont comment on your 'i have nwatched th emovie yet' line... i think there are some aspects in this movie that are so much better than the first! The camera worl for insatnce... and well, much more action, and a whole lot of fun. And ofcourse, its funny! But so many people din like it... n well, i do agree that the story could have been better defined. But hell, it was very entertaining!
Suk - yeah its better if u watch the first one... even though the 2 stories are different, all the characters are the same... so u'll know wat they are like. Feel free to drop in whenever...
okk...and divya..update!!!!
I have to suk... will do :D
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