After successfully accomplishing the task of waking me up and getting me out of bed (And trust me, its a very difficult task! You should ask my cousin(s) and my brother!), my friend very sweetly chauffered me...

Through the beautiful roads...sunlight filtering through branches...
...and to our destination...where she did one of the sweetest things ever...

Spent a moment reminiscing...

And some time acting like a scarecrow ;)(i'm not dancing for sure!)

and that, was the morning. Afternoon? Guess who sang for me! :)Couldn't get better!

But apparently, it could... :) Back to the beach in the evening. Another cake. Some more great company. Craziness.

My beautiful new door happened...

And so now i say...

Definitely, there couldn't have been a better way to turn 21! :D thankyou all for everything :)
Yours "Dear God, thank you"ly
Signing off...
:D welcome. btw, that sun's rays and beach pics are really nice
suk - thanks :) And where the hell have u been!
One of best posts, ever, Divs!
Wow!! Really nice!
And looks like you had a very special b'day! I'm so happy for you! :)
I mean, come on, you had Jack and Gregory singing for you!! ;)
nik - thank you! :)Yeah... it was really special...:) And jack and greg i know! Lol...was awesome... very cute idea. I laughed for so long after they sang :)
Nice pictures indeed!
belated birthday wishes:) guess you had fun!
sementi - thankyou :) I did have fun!
such amazing pictures ruined by the idiot who posed as a scarecrow :/
i kid :P. happy belated wishes. as in, really belated :)
tsb - i know! Wonder which idiot that was! :P
And, u already wished me on my b'day...why're u "belated b'day" wishing me now? thanks anyway!
21 ..ahh ... nice nice ... But damn .. I missed it .. !! ..ANyways .. may all days of the yr be like that .. have fun
vinod - thankyou :)
oiii jus saw de pics...very nice..guess u had a brilliant birthday..:P...thnk me thank i guess i dint wish u on ur bday..belated birthday wishes divs!!:P
i'm sorry!! i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry! :(
belated happy birthday divs! *hugs* btw the pics are fantastic :)
shruti - Thankyou! Over and over again :) Lol...
s_h_r_u_t_i - Come on!! No prob :) Thanks alot!!
nice photos Divya, especially "Dear God, thank you"....
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