There are very few things in this world that are worth the adjective 'pure magic'....I've come across many things being described as magic...including love. I only mention that particular word because yesterday, was Valentine's day...people are s'posed to be drowning in love, and the greeting card companies and gift shops, drowning in money...what marketing strategy...aah. The day was 'just another day' for quite some people...and i rank among that list..It may have seemed like nothing significant ever happened...nothing magical...with respect to the day.... But, there was magic. More than usual.
a) Early in the morning, angrily smacking my alarm clock off, and my cell phone alarm too (yes, i use 2 alarms)...i see all the bells dancing in my cell phone screen...rise and shine sleepy head. There was a message....and it said 'Happy Valentine's day, Love you so much, have a nice day.' It was sent at 21.52pm local time...which is around 12.30am in india....It was a msg from my mother....i smiled, and replied...even though i'd be causing her to stir in her sleep in the early hours of the morning....There couldn't have been a better way to start any day. Magic...
b) Reach college, and make fun of the colour of clothes classmates are wearing...have fun, curse the blobby breakfast. And then....there's a guest lecture at 10.00am by a reknown Japanese scientist...on Biostatistics. We complain...the topic couldn't get worse. The scientist walks in. His Laurels are recited...he doesn't stir. An expressionless face. He speaks english with a japanese accent...we could hardly understand, but he had an interpreter. I don't know what it is with great scientists...they're just so humble...they dont need to ask you to respect them, their manner commands it. Even though I didn't understand most of the things he said, it made me realise statistics is indeed important. And when he finished, I was clapping...my mouth half open...wondering how people like him live in the same world that i live in...what humility, what greatness. A heart full of admiration...the feeling...magic.
c) I get back home and do nothing productive, just horsing around...its getting pretty late and my cousin walks into the room saying 'hey, happy valentine's day di, we're in the same house and i didn't wish you'...we shake hands and exchange mokkais...and then he brings out this almost empty box of 'Jangris'...there's an extremely tiny bit left...and he says ' lets celebrate'...he breaks the tiny bit into halves...and gives me one. And he says 'cheers' and we both squash our pieces together...allowing some sugar syrup to ooze out...and then eat it at the same time....and laugh like hell..what a drunken act...the moment...magic.
d) Its past 11...and all the lights in the house are switched off...the moon's rays are touching the balcony floor...touching the tip of my toe...as i sit on the floor...there's music in the background...a voice so mesmorising...lyrics overflowing with meaning...like the song itself is a painting...a beautiful composition...The song's first few lines....
Nila Kaigirathu, Neram thegirathu, Yaarum rasikavilaye
Inda Kangal Mattum unnai kaanum.
Thendral pogindrathu, Solai sirikindrathu, Yaarum suhikavilaye
Inda Kaigal mattum unnai theendum...
Katru veesum, veyil kaayum kaayum, adhil maatram yedhum illaye
Vaanum mannum, nammai vazha sollum, andha vaazhthu oyavilai
Yendrendrum vaanil...
The lyrics - magic, Hariharan's voice - magic, Rahman's music - magic.
I guess magic, afterall, is not limitted to Harry Potter.... Its everywhere. In the air you breathe...In the sound of your voice... In your smile... In your off-note singing... in your heart-beat....
Signing off...
i really liked this post!!! its so original....and eventhough its the smallest things you talk about... there's indeed some magic in all of them!!!!*****
you just said that statistics was interesting and useful.
i've lost a lot of respect for you, Divya.
caulagi - Thanx for the 5 stars!! n thanx for agreeing with them...and commenting with something other than 'present'.
tsb - If that be the reason u just lost alot of respect for me, pity. Cuz i never said statistics was interesting,but important.its been very useful in our field. And...like i said, it wasnt the topic, but the person...
why in the world would you take me seriouslym divya?
even i dont take myself seriously.
Caulagi- when i say thanx for not doin it, doesnt mean u do it!! i take my thanx back... ;-)
and...tsb, i was wondering when u're serious and when u're not, as i always have.....
anyway, u'll def take yourself seriously in some time...better start practising ;-)
hey divu,
cute post da..touched!
if there is any magic on this planet, it is contained in water...i saw this in an aquarium..just thought you would like to know ;)
Sometimes, someone random says something, or something u read randomly, or something u see ... something tells u, makes u understand a feeling, or a situation. It makes contextual sense to u with respect to what u r going thro .... its like God is talking to you thro signs ... like how The Alchemist suggests ... I consider that magic.
And of course... we have the cream filled biscuits too :D
anu - i've read that phrase in every mail of yours ;-)!! I always wondered why it was in water...now that its from an aquarium, it makes perfect sense.
vinay - This is not the first time u're mentioning the alchemist...thus, i assume u're a fan. And cream filled biscuits...aah, feel like eating a bourbourn now!! yum...
I had the biscuit!! chocolate cream... ;-)
diva well dat post was "magical" wot more can i say
is'nt der sumthing magical bout evrythng happeng around us -true ders more magic dan wot we read of in harry potter na loll
yes...there's magic in everything around us...in the drunken singing...in the laughter...in the sideee fun-comments that only we can laught at...its all magical. And thats why college's worth while sand!
u bet man
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