13/3/06 - Happy Birthday Good ol' Lavanya!! We had fun setting up the surprise,hope you liked it too...Hope you have a great year ahead. God bless you.

I was a bad kid. I don't know how good/bad i am now...but i just realised that i was as bad as any kid can get. I was just sitting at a window seat on the bus today...the glaring sun slapping my cheek. And out of nowhere this scene popped up into the idle mind that was mine... it clearly depicted a small passage-way in a comfortable house with blue floor tiles...and there was this little girl with her mother. And they were both sitting on the floor bending over what looked like an empty tin of milk powder. The little girl was on the verge of tears....and her mother was sure getting angrier every minute. People say fathers handle daughters better...maybe its true. But its also true that daughters handle fathers better....maybe fathers just allow themselves to be handled by daughters! Don't know if that made sense.... Anyway, the little girl had to make a 'vehicle' as an assignment...any vehicle... car, bus, lorry, wheel-barrow. For those of you who are not really familiar with the wheel barrow, its a cart used by gardeners...to put their weeds etc. The little girl and her mother were quite handicapped when it came to skills like these.... the thing needed to move! What would they do for the wheels? How would one be able to pull it? This was just not working... the teachers thought it would be a very interesting, innovative thing to do... but this was just not happening! The girl started crying...slowly. First soundless tears began to roll down, then sniffs were heard...then hard core crying... oh my! Cant i just get a fever or something!!
It was getting late.... and the doorbell rang. Dear daddy was home...tired, dirty with grease on his hands, sweating...engineers do have tough jobs! The sniffy little girl waited till he'd had dinner...and then sat on the floor and started to cry, and cry hard...had to look pavam! And daddy gets irritated...hell, he wants to sleep. He's so tired! But no...the kid wants a 'vehicle' made, and made NOW. He curses for a bit...and then rolls up his sleeves...gets his tool box (advantages of having an engineer for a father)... removes wire, nails, hammer...He gives the empty milk-powder tin a long stare...and his face shows he's definitely decided on how he's going to get rid of this nag! He takes the tin and nails either ends, makes holes...puts the thick black wire through it, and twists the wire from above...he works for sometime...and all this time, the little girl, puffy-eyed, still hiccuping from the long cry, sits beside her big and strong father...watching him work. About an hour later, there's a wheel barrow staring up at her. And the genius of the father made sure it moved! Daddy finally stands up...and is on his way to bed...but he hasn't heard a word from the brat on the floor....and why? Because she didn't want a wheel barrow!! She wanted a car...or atleast a lorry! And so...she started crying again...silently... hell, tears are always readily available! Poor daddy gives up and just walks away...now you see the mother is not as accomodative as the father...she cant take so much nonsense from this 4-feet-tall, double-plaited daughter... Thus, the sniffing kid is shown the way to bed...and she cries herself to sleep.
Can you believe i did that to my father? I cant beleive it... i was such a brat! He was so tired...and i wasn't happy with what he did! I remember another time he made 3 dimensional shapes for school... my favourite was the pyramid... damn. I don't know why i was thinking about all this in the bus...it just made me realise how bad i was... and how even today, i might not be giving him what he wants...i told myself i'll make sure i make him as happy as i can...whenever i meet him, spend some time with him...doesn't happen too often. It seems so much like a thing of the past...living with parents...brother...in the same house...go out on weekends as a family...eat out...watch father's favourite show even if we dont understand a thing...try not to use the phone after he's back from office...read story books using a torch light because he cant sleep until all lights in the house are switched off... hesitantly show him progress report and wait for his question "why isn't there a 3 digit number in maths?, ok, do better next time."...Eat pringles together, one each, one per day... giggle when he walks into the room wearing shorts! Small things... how distinctly we remember them...
I think it is true that we dont realise the imprtance/meaning of a few things till we cease to have them... i know most of you who read this blog do not stay with your parents full time any longer.... but those of you who do, make the most of it! Its one of the best things in life...
I guess the comments wud be more lively with personal experiences! Come on, we were all brats! And if u weren't one, pl don't read this blog hereafter! ;-)
Signing off...
i d rather be a bratty kid than a good kid that didnt trouble parents at all.
seriously...bratty kids are a hell of a lot more fun that good kids who just sit in one place and dont trouble parents.
and i m sure parents (and us too) would remember the pranks a bratty kid played with more joy.
it'd be a good thing to talk about to the grandkids also.
gah...i m not making sense.
Tsb's transported himself to a time when he'll be telling his grandkids abt his kids...!! Lol...its true that it'd be all fun to talk abt later...anyway, i was expecting u to tell us how bratty u were! ;-)
TSB is right ... its no fun if the kid is a goody-two-shoes (I vividly remember picking up that term from Archies!! Obv meant for Betty.. )
I dont think I did anything so bratty divs!!! The most bratty could only have been that whenever me and my bro fought (mostly it wud have been bcos i was buggin him) and when the decibel level crossed a preset but imaginary mark, we would hear our mom calling out irritatedly "ennada nadakkardhu ange??!" and I would sprint for cover and hide myself ... I was small enough :D. Bro will get all the heat and by the time mom finds me, its all worn off ... im not even sure that falls under 'bratty' ... anyways ...
lol...sibling fights are always remembered! There's alot i've doneo nthat front too...from biting my bro...kicking him hard, and crying at the end of the fight, when it'd have been me to start it! And u cud have had your full name on sir...'shantaram'!
I kinda prefer Ram ... thats more true to me than 'Shantaram' is ... besides, as you go on reading the book, you start feeling Shantaram is a title one must be worthy of ...
really? hmm...lets c...
Ever been caught for parking in the no-parking lot?? that to in chennai!! It happened today... oh my... what an experience! The bike tyre was LOCKED and we couldn't move... lol. I laughed so much...!! Anyway, got away without paying fine, thanx to some guy whoz employer's bike was locked too!! Nidhee, very interesting experience...and u kno wat, the other's just parked in betn the boards n all... but we...geniuses..parked infront of 4 no-parking boards!!!They were stacked against the wall... Like perfect chennai citizens! lol..sema comedy!
Divs!That's a straight from your heart blog- I loved it!! It made me remember all the times I made my dad sit up till late in the night cutting out pics from india today magazines for silly projects like pt assignment!!!
Madhu!!!!! Perfect! Lol...even though i din do it for the pr assignment...am sure i tortured my mom to do stuff like that, and do my stitching and knitting, embroidery...lol
hey divs, loved the post di. and feel the same way about the whole situation as well. i realised how imp they are to me only after i came here..anyway hmm tales from the past, i remember putting up a fit for ice cream or some crap like that..most stories will invariable be connected to food in my case ;)
of course i belong to the sibling rivalry list and must say that you already listed stuff i used to do!
yep. We realise their importance only when we're not with them...and...fit for icecream?? Lol... i remember begging my dad for frech fries when we were on the road...lol
And... Happy birthday lavanya!
Yeah..I remember sibling rivalry.....I think my poor dad had to buy 2 presents on every occasion for my sis and me!! It seems so far off now.....
the good old days... sigh!
hehe...yeah i used to get a new dress everytime my bro had a birthday!
and i used christmas as an excuse to get an extra one! ;)
oooh i feel ridiculous!
lol nu... i felt the same way when i was thinkin abt this! But hell, this is wat we'll rmbr...! and like tsb pointed out, tell our grandkids abt!
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