Greetings citizens of blog world!! Newspaper-man of 'the daily blogger' brings news of sudden deaths in the country... Deaths have been declared after our citizens over-stayed their time on the 'missing' list and failed to respond to outside stimulus or take heed of any sort of plea. Our Chief has hence declared them dead until further infromation is received. If you do have any latest information, be kind enouh to bring it to our notice by posting a 'comment' on the daily blogger's 'public speak' column. For further details, wait for next week's update! For the benefit of those who would like to help, the following citizens are temporarily declared dead :
1. Thalaivaa.blogspot.com
this has been a great loss... we hope they will join us soon, like the etheral phoenix...
No offence meant...but PEOPLE ---- UPDATE!!!!!!! please...
UPDATE 17/3/06, 5.14pm : We would like to bring to your notice that we have received a positive response from citizens 1 and 2. No. 1 has joined us again, welcome back! and no.2 promises to rise asap! Thankyou for your support!
UPDATE 19/3/06, 7.44pm : Welcome back citizen no.3!
UPDATE 19/3/06, 21.24pm: Citizen 4...has returned from the dead!! Woo hoo...welcome back!
I'm overwhelmed by the response fellow bloggers.... lol!
signing off...
they are jus takin a break owing to their recent death in te virtual world!
Let just hope its a break... which means they're coming back. hear the missin people?
nothing to say divs....just marking my attendance
i dont hvae anything to say though :(
DIVS!! i will update...something is just making my blog take a backseat at the moment, but as soon as i can get my act together, you will see somthing...please take me off the list of doom!!!:D
updated just for you :)
hey madhu - thanx for stopping by! I promise next time there'll be a post u can comment on... i just HAD to post this one!
anu - looking fwd to an update! will take you name off... ;-)
tsb - Thanx for updating sir! Made me laugh....seriosuly! esp
"worried about contracting rabies,
And passing it on to my wife's babies"
but...ser did u have to pick a DOG bite? *sigh*
thanks divs for taking note.....
Anonymous...cud sure have left a name... come on!! own up! I dont even know wat you're talkin abt...
divs i'm not dead!!! its just that there's been nothing interesting to write about!! well, i have a few ideas though and as soon as possible i'll try updating it!!
Lol... caulagi sir... i don say u were dead! Said you blog is temporarily out of service ;-) No offence... lookin fwd to an update!
I think i shud write more posts like this just so that i get a comment other than'present ma'am' from u!
I have updated!
I am now offcially back from the dead
yes sir! will take your name off the list... another citizen rises from the dead!
divs- it was me - but your blog did not allow me to enter my name the other day- thus got bugged trying and as I am not a blogger had to write it in as anonymous......
oh it was u madhu... now am at peace! lol... but wat exactly did i take notice? That i shud write something u can comment on?
i think madhu said that she is happy you noticed people werent posting....?? was that it?
Madhu, clear the confusion di!
the reason for this post has expired.
Has been done sire...!
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