I know i use alot of 'sometimes' and 'some things' in the first line of my posts...for reference, you can check out the 2 posts before this one! I don't know why that happens... and i've resolved not to use either in the first line of this post (which officially starts only from the next line!)
Have you ever experienced the feeling people call 'revelation'? That sudden astonishingly enlightening feeling of having finally found what you were looking for...like the act was one of final disclosure...nothing within, nothing beyond. A feeling that imparts so much satisfaction...you could go mad with the knowledge of what has been revealed...like a brainstorm. The beauty of the word 'revelation' - it can be considered an apocalypse or also an eye-opener...almost opposites. Perhaps that's the reason the last book of the 'New Testament' of the Holy bible is named 'revelation'. Aah, i've jumped from the meaning of the word, to the beauty of the word, to the holy bible! God save me and my direction that seems fond of diverting! Now, this post is not about the word itself...but the 'feeling'.
Sometimes, we come across a set of words, which, even if not truly understood, seem so beautiful, lyrically, or just simply. Or seem appealing because of some sort of enigmatic quotient they hold. Those words hit me over 6 months back...and i marvelled at their beauty...felt drunken with the mystique they conveyed...unable to unravel the inner meaning. Maybe i didn't try hard enough to find out what they meant...maybe the heavenly feeling of the mysterious ingredient in them kept me from wanting to know what they actually coneveyed, and where they came from. Maybe curiosity unsatisfied here, was the beauty of it all... A little voice within me, tells the bigger part of me that had i 'read' those lines and not 'heard' them in the context that i did, they'd probably sound less magical...i don't know if i'm convinced with that... the words that i've been talking about, were written by Alexander Pope, in what is called "old poetry"...but i would have never been hit by them if it weren't for Michel Gondry and Charlie Kaufman...the people who wrote (the first one directed) the movie 'Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind'. The words tumble out of Kirsten Dunst's mouth... a sound that is so flamboyant, yet so fragile...lost in transition between the two...and the scene itself is so out of place from the movie...its like poetry in motion...and i'm sure you'll never understand what i mean unless you've watched the movie... so don't blame me if the words seem bland to you! Here goes...
"How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot:
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each prayer accepted, and each wish resign'd".
For the benefit of those who want to interpret those words... you may find something useful here (almost towards the end of the page). But i do suggest you ponder a little! :D I don't think i would have ever made an attempt to understand those words...but it happened, by chance...i was just reading the quote for the 'i don't know how many'eth time, and a friend/senior came online...and this post was made possible. Thankyou, Anish.
and...Caulagi - i succeeded in posting about this before you! Though i thought you'd do it as soon as i gave the quote to you :p
Yours 'May revelations last'ly
Signing off....
*scratches head in confusion*
that was some revelation about the movie i watched a week ago.should check it..untill then i dont deserve to comment
and pls can you take away the word verification procedure:)
I personally was hoping those lines would come out of Jim Carrey's mouth. His background narration was so beautiful. The pace of his narration and his voice would (in my opinion) have suited the lines better.
And thanks for recommending the movie !!
hey divs,
so what was your revelation?
and i am yet to watch this movie..defenitely on the 'things to do now' list though..
maybe i will understand if i watch the movie aa?
tsb - that was expected of u! :D
sathya - lol...wats the big deal? and...word verification is to avoid blog-spam...so, i dont think i can do that.Sorry.
Anish - u're welcome sir! :D i didn't know abt the lines when i watched the movie...so no expectations ;-) but yes, if not carrey, they shud have made atleast winslet say the words...one out of the 2...
anu - the revelation...was what that quote signified. The meaning... thats it! :)
let me add to that last line from the movie.
there are no unanswered prayers. sometimes the asnwer is no...
btw nice post...
divs u spent quite sumtime xplaing wot that quote meant wen i was onln- very deep quote n the whole context n d backgrnd stry was reely beutifl. man
harjee kapoor - thanx for commenting. thats an interesting way to look at prayers...and unanswered ones...
sand - :D u needn't take the pains of using the link to interpret the quote ;-)
the word verification thing..was cos i got it wrong three times..i had to ask my friend to do it for me:)
sathya - HA! should i say 'happens'? lol... it is actually very irritating now and then... mine's xihnsyi :(
its time for evolution n not revolution!
m lil lost!
p.s.- nice posting!
time for evolution again huh nil? ;-) watever happened to those thousands of yearsof evolution that we go back in time again...lol.
thanx anyway!
yeah...we should go back to our future!
yes!! i rmbr that dialogue of yours... 'lets go back to the future'! reminds me of this tv show called 'time trax' i used to watch as a kid...!
i can imagine niles saying something like that..!
he said...and i rmbr we were playing this game called 'consequences' at nikhil's hse once...and somebody wrote that in 'boy says to girl' or something like that!
i got embarass-ed at niks place...ANU made me wear sock...somewer i cant talk abt..n me n LV...oh shit...bad memories!
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