I'm going to make this a mixed post, although i'd have liked to take up each thing in a different post. I don't think i can elaborate too much, considering there are quite a few things i'd like to put in. Ok, i better start! Get prepared to yawn. If you're reading this, it means you don't have anything else to do! So yawning wouldn't be too bad ;-)
- You know how it feels to taste victory as a team? *heaven* The past few days has made me realise how important it is to play as many sports as possible when one is young! I thought of all the times when i had to play cricket by force, with my brother and the other guys around (i almost always miraculously happened to be the only girl!). I most definitely played more guy games than girl games! Climbed trees, and the likes! But well, i never really thought the cricket would come in handy till we lifted that cup today... :) Some victory! Medals, the trophy, faces tanned black and red, sour throats from screaming and teethy smiles! YAY!
- Sometimes prayer is magical. Magical in a way that one has never experienced before. When i first saw my juniors last year, i realised why seniors feel like ragging juniors! Every single thing they did seemed so irritating, and one had a strong urge to rag! But ofcourse that didn't happened. But the way they prayed before our matches...and made us pray...has opened up a new found respect for them, and their team spirit! And there's always the magic of silence...nothing but the whistle of the wind...and 15 pairs of eyes closed...
- I believe i was born on this earth for the sole purpose of eating, and eating alot! I love babycorn. And i love getting them off their covers as much as i love eating them. Ever noticed how remarkably smooth the fibre inside the cover is? If you haven't, you're missing one of nature's finest creations!
- Music is such an integral part of life... *sigh* I'm currently addicted to the song named 'Maula Mere' from the movie anwar. And...and...and... i've developed a new liking for the piano! An instrument that has never been too close to heart. I was always crazy about the violin, and still have plans of learning how to play it (yeah right!). Maybe i've just started noticing the small piano pieces here and there in songs... nice :)
- I'm hearing too many love stories nowadays. Real life. And its been a smooth realisation that cinema is inspired from real life! And real life is sometimes beyond things cinema portrays!
- Mira Nair is directing the Shantaram movie, and Big B is acting in it. :( :( :( Johnny Depp, are u reading this? :( :( Can't you pick a better caste?!
- I watched "Water" yesterday. A mixture of beauty and poignancy. A movie that gives you hope till the last 20 minutes... and ofcourse it'll make you wonder 'now, is that really John Abraham?!' Lisa Ray looks lovely. Brilliant perfomances by Seema Biswas and the kid, Sarala, as Chuhiya (I found the name immensely cute). And the song 'aayo re saki' seems so much more wow after watching the movie...the movie is worth watching for some very well placed, well shot, well written and aptly portrayed scenes :) A bold attempt - sensitive, humourous, romantic, hurt-ful, poignant...but beautiful.
- Lesson for the week - Do not read in between lines when all that is required is to read the lines alone!
Well, thats it! If you're not already sleeping, you could comment :)
Yours "A white so pure, life so ironic"ly
Signing off....
do you have a copy of shantaram? which i could borrow? :D hey atleast we could meet up! wat say :)
and do read "my name is red" if you get your hands on it. brilliant stuff.
shruti - that was such a quick comment! Lol... I do have a copy of Shantaram... but its still doing the rounds, and is already in booking!Sorry! Will let u know when its free :) And when we're at it, do you remember The Alchemist? ;-) But yes, we should meet up! And i'll look out for the book.
you played cricket!!!!!!:D:D
And congrats!! Ah everytime we played as a team representing the school, we've not even won won match :(*sigh* But there's always the ecstasy of watching a wicket being taken.
And I always, always have to bowl pathetically when we are playing a match . I get the "nerves" problem.
I like normal corn better than sweet corn, but they have the fibre too.
Heyy..I heard that song "maula mere" but didn't like it so much. But yeah I really like "aayo re sakhi" too.
Ah well we all eat alot, but I eat junk food more then rasam and saadam :D
suk - Ya i played!!! :) I'd like to see you bowl sometime! I like both corn and babycorn. Am yet to decide which i like better! Aayo re sakhi is a nice song...even better after seeing the movie. The kid's so cute. I definitely eat more rasam and saadam than junk! But well, not even junk food can beat paati's rasam! Or even amma's for that matter :)
Firstly Congratulations on winning a cricket match.. Team India never brought the cup back frm WI (I never expected them to bring the cup out here :|..Pathetic players..Pathetic models too :|)Atleast YOU ppl won some cup :P
and juniors are always sweet :D..
I love any form of corn - baby corn/ordinary corn/american corn...I love it wen u add a pinch of salt, pepper and squeeze a few drops of lime on it..Yumm :D
And yeah, did u watch Pursuit of Happyness ? If ur answer is no, then don't wate time replying to my comment, go to the theatre immediatly and wach the movie :)
And JOhn abraham actually DID act ? Now that's news :|..I thot all he knew was modelling, flexing his muscles and smooching :P
probably only Lav would agree that nothing can beat mom's rasam. But I don't like rasam all that much.
I forgot to comment on one thing, how come this sudden liking for piano? It'll still be my fav. instrument, and only after that the others. Somehow, i don't really like the veena, i don't know why.
nithya - I liked John in the movie. Maybe more cuz of his character. And yes, he has indeed done some acting. Lets not get started abt juniors!!!!
Suk - Yeah she told me he love's mom's rasam jus yest! :) I dono why i suddenly started liking it... actully i do. There r a few songs i heard at a time that all had a piano base...will send one of them to u when u come online. So after hearing them, i started noticing all piano bits! And i like the veena...and the flute and violin and guitar!
Prayer takes away a lot of suffering. Not praying in a religious way I mean, but just closing your eyes and stopping the thought to flow. The calmess and the silence are invigorating. Wonder why I dont do that often these days...
Water is a great movie and Meera Nair is one of my favourite directors. Kudos to her. Watch Namesake, lovely movie
vibhanshu - welcome!
On prayer - i agree. Silence sometimes has great strength.
Frankly speaking i havent watched any of mira nair's movies. Am yet to watch namesake. Of course u could ask me why the hell i had so many :('s on for her then! I dont know, maybe i'm just prejudiced. But i definitely dont like it that she's casting Amitabh Bachan. So maybe thats reason enough?
When u put the pic from Water with the title 'A lot of crap' I thought the movie was waste!
anish - thats why u shud read the post before jumping to conclusions! I put up the pic cuz i liked that scene in the movie :)
Ok sure, I like the flute and the guitar too :)
din know u played cricket! :) congrats!don play much but the most fun i have had was while playing all those million silly games from school.the "chain chain" equivalents :).how i miss being in school!
prayer is magical!although a friend has convinced me that god,prayer,heaven..they re all a figment of our imagination..but the more we hold on to em ,the more the hope in our lives.keeps us going.so yes, prayer is magical :)
i believe i was born to travel.to spend hours in front of every picture god ever painted for us.each one getting better than the other ,till a point in time when i just cant take in everything i c.that and for vada pao, Frankie,corn of course,amma's "vadaam",patti's gudrasam and my own poor excuse for a pizza :)(after all the effort i put into it,good or bad i enjoy every bite of my pizza)!
water.don have words for the movie.so beautifully directed!every scene is perfect!the movie is depressing though.took a while to recover from.could n watch it after the old lady sends chuhiya to....
caste- was it intended coz either way its funny! johnny depp- sigh! :)
anonymus - madhu, was the anonymus comment yours? shud be, considering the vada pao! Lol... and ya, like i've already said, i also believe i was born to eat and eat more! Its true abt water... it was depressing... and it took me a while too to stop thinking of the movie. Somehow some scenes kept flashing in my mind.
Johnny depp - sigh - indeed!
Lets see how the movie comes out!
Hey !!
nik - hey! How were the exams?!
They were orrite, I guess..
3 weeks to go for the real exams..!!
nik - aah Good Luck! No updates eh?
hullo...anonymous wasnt me...haven't seen water yet...johnny depp sigh sigh!!
madhu - oops! Sorry! Now who was anonymous?! And johnny depp - sigh sigh sigh!
hi divya...dis is dhanya suaknya's frend..wel she jus sugested i read ur blog.. n honestly...soopeb stuff..i think the first thing i read was the thing abt sunset..the one wer u describe the splash of pink in the sky to feminity n all..ya dats d one i read first!n all the other stuf including god pls stop was wonderful!!seriosuly i gues u hav a kutti fan club in my frends circle as another frend of mine called divya..also loevs ur riting..n ya i loved the 2 hour incident too..esp the pace wer u say-the starnds of hair that escaped being tied back..wow!it is truly vry entertaining*cheers*
dhanya - My whole -hearted 'welcome' to u! It feels euphoric when anyone quotes one of your lines and says 'thats the one i liked best' :)Thanks alot for all that u said, and am glad i could entertain someone! I stil think suk tricked u by showin u that post first...its one among my favourites, and its something that came out quite perfectly, and that doesn happen too often! In any case, Will look forward to more of your comments :D
yea ur welcum!yeah she did show me the perfect one first!!:D...n sure i will comment...u cud also view my blog n giv in ur comments too...learning experience u c!!:D
dhanya - Lol sure!
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