This post is a little late. But I'm glad i got down to putting it up anyway! It was my Paati's 70th birthday on the 31st of May :) And i so love her! So well, Happy birthday paati!!!! :D For the past few months...I've been realising how easy it is to make people happy, yet we hardly ever do it. Sad thing. So i'm on a 'lets make people happy' marathon, so dont be surprised if i make u smile ;-), and don't wonder why. Just be happy!
My paati is such a sweetheart, she allows me to play around. I put a party hat on her head on her birthday and made her pose for a snap :) Thats what you can see below. On another occasion, i made her wear a santa cap! Its very rare that each time you look at someone you're living with, you smile a nice, wide, happy smile. I don't recall doing it with anyone else but her. Whether she's passing by my room, or calling me for tea, or just happens to look my way from the television, there's always a smile. There are 2 smiles. Its a great feeling when I think about it now. Another thing i find immensely cute - If i keep playing a song repeatedly on the pc, she picks it up and starts humming it. The cutest on the list are Dus bahane, andan kaka kondai kaari and nila kaigirathu! Long live paati! Hope my kids get to relish her kothamalli thoagayal...and rasam! And alot of other things :)
Something that made me laugh no end a while back. I sent my mother a photo of myself and the Capt. Jack sparrow poster at satyam. She said its nice. And then i told her thats her future mapillai and told her he's the one i'm going to marry! Read for yourself, and laugh!
ramansumathi: good photo
Divs: hehe howz johnny depp?
ramansumathi: i am not bothered abt him, i saw only my daughter
Divs: oh but your daughter wants to marry him
Divs: so see your mapillai
ramansumathi: fool
Divs: hehe kaai ko tension mataji, johnny has 2 kids
ramansumathi: mad girl
ramansumathi: dont even say for fun
Divs: mom chillll... apdiye neenga kalyaman panni vechuduvel illai
Divs: ammmmaaaaaa paaaaaaaaaah u cant even take a JOKE?
ramansumathi: i know my daughter
Divs: wat abt your daughter?
ramansumathi: she wont do such silly things
Divs: hehe like wat? marry johnny depp?!
Divs: he's not available mom, he has 2 kids
ramansumathi: ok, leave that now
Divs: amma no tension!!!! pah pah i cant play also with u peacefully
WHEW! it takes quite a bit of convincing! Am not marrying him amma!

Signing off....
awww d pic's dam cute divs, belated bday wishes 2 ur paati ;) n i remembr dat santa cap pic also was so cute,but she's posing wid d cap widout shyng away dats so cute, n bout d "am goin 2 marry deppy session" u had wid ur mom hilarious, ur such a bewdi,but thnkn bout it Jack sparrow,oh oh sry Captain Jack sparrow underplayed his bewdaism dis time na sad 4 us loll ;) nyways snd more pics of ur prospective maaplais r ur mom n tel her not 2 worry bout deppy,sandy has alrdy propsed 2 him,so no probs;)
sand - She did make a fuss to poss! But ofcourse i convinced her into it ;-) He din underplay his bewdism sand, they just din show enough of him! All there was was elizabeth swann n more elizabeth swann! Damn them. He rocked in every scene that he came in. Esp the multiple depps :) I din know where to look! :P
I dont have pics of anymore prospectives! Unless u're counting on bill pullman, sanjay suri, purab, aravind swami of indira, colin firth or the likes! ;-)
He din accept u, so chill :P
how do u knw wot he said , u wer'nt der wen i told him rite so u chill 2 loll ;)
ok, am i invited for the wedding? :D His 2 kids can be the best man and the best woman.:P
Divs! you are sooo right- he was amazing in every scene and what a wash out the rest of the film was! and the on with multiple johnny depps...sigh sigh sigh!
awww cute idea, sure thng u r def invited ;) loll porrum
madhu - *SIGH*!
sand - Shameless! lol
aww so rude thnks nyways wen it cums 2 deppy loll why not ;) k bus yaar bahut ho gaya
sand - I'm supposed to be sayin bahut ho gaya!
hai quizzers,
i have started a new quiz blog based on the questions asked in TV quizzes.The address of the blog is
the blog has some tv quizzes like BSNL sports quiz,arivome arivai quiz,Spell bee quiz,General quizzes and the list is increasing everyday.
If you happen to miss any TV quiz,just drop in a comment in my blog and i will "capture" the quiz for you.
I am looking my hits to increase and my comments forum to be flooded by you and most importantly some new friends to quiz.
Do visit the blog and send me your bouquets or brickbats.
Hoping to make a mark in the quizzing blogosphere...
The sad thing abt Mr.jack sparrow being there is that the bench mark is really really high for all of us !!!!
vinod - LOL! Actually, we're quite sensible, down to earth girls :D But we cant help it...its capt.sparrow after all!
"i know my daughter, she wont do such silly things"
ammavoda nambikkaiya kedukkaadha
Belated budday wishes to your Paati :)
All Paatis are sooooooo cute and the dishes that they prepare taste so heavenly...Yummy Maanga Thokku, Meiyya pesanja Thachchi Mammam, hot hot eeyachombu-la-vecha Thakaali rasam...yumm...I could go on and on...Paatis rock :D and so do their culinary skills :P
And I guess Johnny Depp's having 2 kids shouldn't deter you frm marrying him ....Worth contemplating :D
sathya - I'll try my best :P
nithya - Ya their dishes rock :) iye chumbu rasam! yum! And nopes, am not contemplating marriage. He'll lose his charm :P
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