5.00am - I'm wide awake. A fleeting feeling inside my head that i haven't slept all night. For the first time in my life, i'm thankful for mosquitoes, and the shallow, almost-non-existent sleep i fell into for around 6 hours. I look up at the owner of the voice that pulled me out of my midway trnasition between the two worlds so different, yet so real in their own ways.Her face didn't look so sleepy, but the madness in her eyes was obvious, and i thought they reflected the same madness in mine. The day would be marked in the calendars of history of our home...The day Divya woke up before sunrise all by herself, without anyone having to shout, nudge, call names, or switch off fans!
5.45am - A crowd of teenagers huddled in small groups outside a small bookstore, chattering, excited, waiting. A truck pulls into the gates, loaded with cardboard boxes, concealing the contents, but not really! All eyes follow the cartons into the shop. The cartons are unpacked. Faces are stuck to the glass door, staring at the stack. How much longer? The queue has gone to the road. The excitement is mounting. Before they realise what just happened, the door swings open, and the person who fate favoured to be the one to lay her hands on the first copy is pulled inside by some force. The same force that has kept millions waiting for this moment. The shop opens, they scream. The owner of the first book comes out and waves her book-holding hand to the crowd, they scream harder.
6.10am - I was running my fingers over the writing of the first page of this book...this book that had infested my dreams for days preceeding its arrival, this book that had taught me what it felt like to wait for something so much, that you can't sleep when you know its nearing. And what a moment it was! I screamed!
18 hours later.
I sat there staring at the white wall infront of me...was this what had kept me waiting? Was it worth the wait? YES. What satisfaction. It was like eating a sumptuous feast, but having too much to eat. But i still think that if JKR had not intoduced the concept of the 'deathly hallows' into the plot, the book would have been immensely predictable, thanks to sites like mugglenet, which got atleast one theory in each subject of discussion right on target. Bull's eye. One does wonder how jkr would have felt when she read a theory that got her story right! Was it that easy? The book had her style, totally. Except the ending. The ending didn't seem like it would belong in a jkr novel. On the whole, i got what i wanted. I wanted to feel like i was racing against time, running running running...i wanted to feel that chill down my spine, the adrenalin rush in, that tear that almost fell, that smile on comprehending things atlast, blurry eyed.
And what a phenomenon she created. Making people wait outside shops irrespective of time and space...my own realisation of craze, madness, euphoria, perseverence, WAIT.
Some stories, never really end.

Yours "Dumbledore's man, through and through"ly
Signing off...
gosh r u ever going to wait for anything like this ever again?ur kids wont have the excitment but the book will certainly intrest them too.. they really missed the fun
I guess this is one of the very few posts were you haven't explained much. anyway I guess you are right about the deathly hallows stuff. and 21st morn. madness, true madness. :D
the part where I found myself racing against time was very very bollywood style in my imaagination.. it would be great in the movie you know :D
And i agree with the part about feeling like i've eaten too much.. she could've as well written an eighth book :(
anon - I just have to wait for something else to come along! They did miss the fun :) We're blessed! Btw, is this nidhee? or who! Leave a name!
suk - TRUE madness yayy!! Yeah i din explain much. I dono why... i din want to write too much abt the book for sure.maybe this is how it was meant to be ;-) So any more queries boiling up?
shruti - :) nice to see u here! Alot of the book was very bollywoody...including the final duel, and the conversation that went with it! RIDDLE! How did that happen! It wud make a great movie if they MAKE it a good movie! I cant believe wat thy did to OOTP. I dono if u saw it, but i think they kinda messed it up.
She shud have so written an 8th book!! but see... 7 is the most powerful magical number :) i guess she stuck to that!! Doesn she rmbr she doesn really live in the wizarding world, and here, each person has a different lucky number!
u've brought out wht was goin in within me exxxactttly.i simply LOVED the book.awesome.i was madly wishing it was a magical 'never-ending' book when i was abt to reach the end :) and i liked the part where dumbledore says 'of course its happening in ur head but why on earth should that mean that its not real"..!
n hey,thanks for those wonderful words on my blog:D
legspace - I loved that line too :) but as u can see, the line that touched me most is the title of the post! It was so piercingly painful...and sad. I was hoping the book never ends either :) Been quite a journey, and we've grown with the book...sad that its all over :( Now, lets wait for th next author!
and abt your blog, i dono if u realise, but i keep using the same word again and again. Beautiful. Thats because i always fall short of words...and saying anythin more than that one word, would be spoiling the whole effect :) keep them coming!
Inda akkarra padippula irrukkanam ..He he just imagining what your mom or dad would have told :) ..
vinod - aah u said something neither my mom or my dad said :) Yeah i agree, irukanom!!! My amma's got used to ALL the crazy stuff i do. She just calls me mad girl and leaves me to the madness.And my dad, he doesn know abt all the craziness ;-) actually, maybe he does! He usually finds out much later than it happens. So well...:)
So does that comment mean u don read harry potter?
ok, my friend asked me this one.. why did the part of vold's soul have to end up inside the only living creature, i.e, harry? can't the horcrux be a non-living thing? after all, the locket, ring, were all non-living..
suk - i thot of that as soon as i read that line in the book... jkr has quite a bit to answer! His only living horcrux was nagini.
yeah she does...
No !! Missed the first one ..Then thought i should miss the series ...Would surely read someday to find out what the excitement is all about. I know ...You must b thinking ...duh !! :)
Do u believe in talking to strange people...err strangers..then just leave me ur mail id or a mail to my id :) .. he he
vinod - U shud def read them someday! maybe with your kids ;)
i am not Harrys sup-porter!
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