Dear God, please tell them that professing power unto people who automatically fall below them is so useless, it can be done by anyone...
Tell them they should strive for better rather than take great interest in things that dont matter one bit...
Show them the difference between imposing discipline and being barbaric...
Make them realise that they can earn respect, and respect will never come when it is forced.
Teach them how to treat humans as humans...
Tell them that if something goes wrong somewhere, it is definitely not their fault, and they
are not expected to solve it painstakingly, because you are there for that...
Show them what is right and wrong according to the world...and i plead, teach them how to
discriminate between the two.
Tell them that nothing's a big deal till you make it one, and a problem will be one only
when you think of it as one...
Tell them where riches lie...
Show them the beauty in simplicity...its something i don't think they've ever known.
Make them understand that people are not happy with being supressed in the name of something else...and definitely don't appreciate being called things they're not, or taking the blame for things they didn't do,ever.
Lastly God...tell me whether there are limits to endurance, teach me how to hold my words
back, Tell me if words can be read through the eyes, because they're just not being heard
when they come out of the mouth, or they're just heard all wrong, Help me identify the people
i can trust,Tell me why i should gamble my future for the comfort of saying what i thought was right...Tell me why i should gamble my future for mistakes i did not commit, Tell me why i feel insulted, exploited and wasted when i shouldn't be feeling it, Tell me if what i do is right, i do it because someone is earning a living somewhere for me to live today and tomorrow and forever.AND TELL ME WHY.TELL ME WHY THIS IS HAPPENING AND HOW IT GOT
THIS FAR...We leave it to you now. You're our only hope... only hope.
PS: do continue the comments on the prev post. I just found it necessary to post this...
Yours " limits to endurance" ly
Signing off....
i empathise.
did the pic inspire that or was it the other way round btw?
really nice post..but while reading the first few lines i thought u got the inspiration from your college facutly :P
shruti - It was the other way round...the pic was perfect for the post. Thanks for empathising!
Suk - Lets not call it inspiration suk. Its wat burned the thoughts, not inspired. and its not the faculty, but u're close. :D
ya....why this sudden uproar???
Caulagi - uproars arent uparoars if they dont happen suddenly... :D well, have een pushed to limits, thats why...
Don't tell this post is because of the college management!!
i agree...
so wats da conclusion you have arrived at?
anish - u have no idea...
Bala - welcome...and, no conclusions can be drawn.
Those dudes sure get weirder and weirderer!!
Wierd is such an understatement!! please...
:D...u seem to be updating very fast..totally vetti?
not really vetti suk... just changing attitudes...chaging states of mind!
ahhh...i c....
my!my!your frustration blares out of every red letter in the post...and it would be futile to say stuff like "its ok" or "i ll pass"...but its no denying that you have grown a bit more, with every sentence and every thought that went into writing this...
and my sister coolest!!!
lav - wat an honour! ;-) lol... i've grown with every sentence huh? wonder wat made u say that...those words came out of...i dono... just lost hope on trying to anything by myself, gave up...surrendered. God save.
so what IS it? who is gonna get this lecture frm God soon? :)
jus kidding ... its goddam deep! i jus also felt u were addressing the west vs islam war ... which is wat i see it as ...
ram - nice to have u back! And am just hoping that lecture happens...and its nice that u can actually look at it in a different perspective :) am glad it can be taken in more than one way!
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