This post is very very sudden. I'm supposed to be either sleeping right now, or studying! Though the former seems inviting, and the latter seems a necessity, i find myself compelled to sit and type out this post because (a) My Blog hasn't seen an update in way too many days for my standards and (b) Some incidents in life have to be recorded as soon as possible! I don't know how many of you noticed the 17th of feb hype a few posts back. 17th of feb just passed, and looks like it was a day meant to make a mark on every year's calender henceforth, for me! And so it did, despite my strong belief that it wouldn't! Need i rattle on further?
My smile in a matter of seconds, turned from METALLIC to NON-METALLIC! My braces came offfffff!!!!! : D :D Aww the freedom! Actually, it feels very weird to feels one teeth again and use a normal brush and have a mouth devoid of rubberbands! I couldn't believe my ears when the golden words were spoken, though they were a little technical, i felt like slapping my dentist... "So, shall we de-bind them today?" and instead of jumping up and screaming, i said "yeah sure" without even smiling! Ofcourse all the jumping happened at home!
Ok, i'm running short of time! So one last time... YAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! :D
Yours "the alloy stopped hugging my teeth"ly
signing offff....
Ah, welcome back to non-metal world, missy !!
So, how many chewing gums have you consumed since ?! And popcorn ?
anish - thanky!
Nik - Lol...none actually! But well, i used to have both even when i was on the metal side! though popcorn used to stick ALOT! that din stop me from eating it though ;-)
DIVS!! thats amazing news!! yaay, im so glad...haha i clearly remember what i did after i got my braces off...i was driving, but i kept looking at my teeth in the rear view mirror! thank god i reached home safe, cos i sure wasnt concentrating on driving! haha..yaay..so what did you eat??
aaha..Cool Congo :P
And yeah in that 'smile' pic of urs..u shuld be inserting an 'open-mouthed' smiley not the pursed lip smiley...:D
i still ve it on....:-( ...i ven gone to the dentist for past 3 months..m so lazy..!!
chek out my blog...my dance!!
anu - !!!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome back! whoa long time its been! And wat an apt post u picked to comment on :D I came home and JUMPED! I think i almost ran out of the clinic...and then paati saw my teeth n started smiling so much! I ate a chocolate cookie first :D :D And ofcourse i kept running my tongue over the teeth to confirm that nothing's actually poking the tongue! It was surreal...! Experiences!
Nithya - I see we have a point there :D But well, there r 2 reasons that smiley is there... 1.it symbolises that i can finally CLOSE my mouth and smile comfortable! and don have to show off the braces ;-) and 2. I din have time to look for a teethy smiley! So i picked the one i liked most on the first page i got!
nil - Dont u worry, one day, u'll get yours off too ;-) believe me, i started thinking i'd never get mine off! And pl go pay your dentist a visit, maybe she'll tell u when they're comin off ;-) will check thy blog.
Hee hee...yeah, I remember how it felt when my braces came off:))
aahh totally forgot u got them off, I remember when I got my braces outt...yes total freedom but still it felt really really weird and the process was pretty painful and the caps had gone into my gums(don't ask) Well, I still miss wearing braces but at the same time am still happy :D
bxhi ate gum n one part of the holdin thing came off.....ve u tried eating cane sugar with braces...try that...u get amazin feel of the pain. PAIN is GOOD! i ve read only two books in my life..
Dude, are you high ?!
suchi - welcome! I dont think anyone who wore braces wud forget that day of utter freedom! :D But retainers r prison all over again...
Suk - They went into your gums huh? Damn it'd have bled... the way my dentist was pullin the cap out, i thot my tooth wud be off with the cap. Thankfully not! Its still a terror to hear the sounds of the wires gettin cut n all...felt like my mouth was a mechanic workshop!
nil - sugar cane? hell no! mine used to hurt even for stupid small things...cane sugar means thasall gone only!
nik n nil - to my knowledge, the 2 books nil has read are The catcher in the rye and the da vinci code. And Pain is good is from da vinci code... but for all we know, maybe he was high!
I don't know whether they bled.ah, your tooth should have come off, especially if it were the front tooth, you would have a nice big hole whenever you would do ":D" :D
me too! i couldnt eat anything like cane sugar and all..sometimes i used to just bear the pain and wat murruku, but otherwise i couldnt do much. also i gave deepika and divs a part time job..checking to see if i had anything in my teeth!! hahaha..
hmm nik..lets refrain from asking if nil is high...but check out his dance..top class man!!! :D
me high...i don think so...now do i lie when m high...stupid guy!
anu - sure i rmbr the part time job for which i din get paid ;-)lol i only understood its importance when i started tellin my friends to check for me! And i din eat murukku either :( it was among the first things i made my teeth grind once the metal was off!
Suk - yenna nalla yenam unakku! Front teeth bokkai means oru range daan! BTW the caps were wat were refusing to come out, so i don see how the front tooth wud go for a sixer!
nil - LOL!
nil LOL!
...see i can rhyme too ;)
anu - sure u can! want a sample of mine? ;-)
oh right, only the caps were refusing to come off, anyway something would have been better than nothing.
And how come u people din have sugar cane, murukku etc??once u keep having them, u'll get used the pain but one consequence- your braces will keep coming off and they'll be moving 'round in the wire but then who cares about that?food's more important :D
suk - i have a doubt. Why on earth din we ever discuss all this when i had braces? and ALL the dicussion n advise is happening after i've got them off! Cha. Some friend u r. Now i regret not havin breakin my braces mid way into the process! :P
nothing else matters!!!!!!
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