The mobile creations of mother nature are best admired when they remain where they are supposed to be. In the past few months, i have come to realise that what one considers beautiful on a tree can become a nuisance when its somewhere you don't want it to be, and something you thought was cute, can get onto your nerves when it affects something dear to you. Lets get to the point.
The balcony is one of my favourites laze-zones at home. It became an even more comfy area once my grand-dad brought in this very normal plastic chair with a great cushion. I could sit there for hours doing nothing. The first thing about my balcony which was destined to be doomed was apparently the back side of the air conditioner, which juts out right at the top, slightly below the ceiling. None of the members who inhabit this abode ever paid much interest to that metal box, probably because it was way over head, and ofcourse, there's no necessity to strain one's neck and look up at it once in a while! Looks like the ac suffered from 'attention-deficit' disorder and decided it was high time it came into the lime light. It was sometime in March last year, when i woke up one morning and opened the balcony door, just to see two birds flutter out into the open in great hurry! Ofcourse they left back a feather or two as a souvinier, for me to look at till they came back after a few hours. The incident called for constant vigilance. I sat at my table with what in chennai is called an 'ottara kucchi', a loooong stick with a brush at the end used to remove cobwebs stuck to the ceiling. One had to tap the side of the ac as soon as
the birds (which we confirmed were infact pigeons!) flew into the balcony. But human as i am, i got tired of the irritating practice, and called it quits. Miraculously, the birds seemed to have stopped coming in! Or so we thought. The calender turned to october, and i started hearing sounds at night. Bird sounds. Pigeon sounds. I hit the ac with the stick, and they didn't budge! The activity of these birds then varied from dropping their dirty sticks and leaves all over the white floor, to blessing us with their feathers now and then, to (the most important of them all) colouring our white walls with their excreta! Or should i say they perhaps thought our walls looked so dull, and wanted to add some life to it, and maybe they also found the smell in the air too bland, and wanted the pleasant aroma of their SHIT to fill in! And then they advanced to dropping their matter on the floor, on my cushiony chair, on everything except, luckily, us! These acts of indecency called for a check on what they were doing up there, and how many members the family had! Our long-moustached watchman climbed a ladder up and informed us that there was a meticulously built nest, and 2 FAT pigeons! A cry from me to remove the nest was immediately opposed by my grand-dad's belief from yester-year that if a pigeon's nest was disposed off, it would bring rifts in the family! And believe me, he was so staunch with the belief that we put up with the stench and the dirt for a few more days. As everything has limits, so did my patience, and after he saw the art work of the birds on our table once fine morning, he called for the disposal! "whew!". The nest was indeed a piece of art. Very meticulously built. But the point was that this house we live in was also very meticulously built, and we dont have problem with birds building their nests meticuously on trees! As for the pigeons, they both went inside a plastic bag which our servent maid took home. Whether she ate them, or let them free is still a mystery, though she does claim she let them go! Our floor and walls successfully stank for over a day, inspite of the phenyl wash and my attempt with the room freshner! The gap between the ac and the ceiling was skillfully covered with cardboard boxes which were hibernating peacefully till that moment! No more pigeon trouble.
the birds (which we confirmed were infact pigeons!) flew into the balcony. But human as i am, i got tired of the irritating practice, and called it quits. Miraculously, the birds seemed to have stopped coming in! Or so we thought. The calender turned to october, and i started hearing sounds at night. Bird sounds. Pigeon sounds. I hit the ac with the stick, and they didn't budge! The activity of these birds then varied from dropping their dirty sticks and leaves all over the white floor, to blessing us with their feathers now and then, to (the most important of them all) colouring our white walls with their excreta! Or should i say they perhaps thought our walls looked so dull, and wanted to add some life to it, and maybe they also found the smell in the air too bland, and wanted the pleasant aroma of their SHIT to fill in! And then they advanced to dropping their matter on the floor, on my cushiony chair, on everything except, luckily, us! These acts of indecency called for a check on what they were doing up there, and how many members the family had! Our long-moustached watchman climbed a ladder up and informed us that there was a meticulously built nest, and 2 FAT pigeons! A cry from me to remove the nest was immediately opposed by my grand-dad's belief from yester-year that if a pigeon's nest was disposed off, it would bring rifts in the family! And believe me, he was so staunch with the belief that we put up with the stench and the dirt for a few more days. As everything has limits, so did my patience, and after he saw the art work of the birds on our table once fine morning, he called for the disposal! "whew!". The nest was indeed a piece of art. Very meticulously built. But the point was that this house we live in was also very meticulously built, and we dont have problem with birds building their nests meticuously on trees! As for the pigeons, they both went inside a plastic bag which our servent maid took home. Whether she ate them, or let them free is still a mystery, though she does claim she let them go! Our floor and walls successfully stank for over a day, inspite of the phenyl wash and my attempt with the room freshner! The gap between the ac and the ceiling was skillfully covered with cardboard boxes which were hibernating peacefully till that moment! No more pigeon trouble.
Just when we were convinced that the trysts between our balcony and wild had come to an end, another incident made us realise that our balcony was probably meant to be George of the jungle or Mowgli of jungle book! One of the gifts i got for my birthday was this very nice rope swing. It stayed on the floor for about a month, until we finally got the hooks ('S' kokkis!) and hung it a few days back. Now the balcony was paradise! Listening to radio at night, watching
the stars and swinging...aah! The swing was given so much attention. There was a whole photo shoot with it! Each member of our family took turns to sit on it and smile, while others stood at the back and smiled wider. And i must say, it was a very photogenic swing. The photos were promptly sent to all the NRI members of the family and the happy comments were passed. And then, mysteriously, the swing started developing HOLES in the corners. At first, we thought the
poor structure could not withstand the bulky weight of our bodies, and i must say that none of us burdened the swing less than the other! More of the rope started to disappear. It was very very creepy. Yesterday, as i walked in from college, i heard my mother shouting "pudichaachu! there's the culprit!". I ran out to the balcony to see a squirrel happily nibbling away to glory, and in the process, getting a free ride on the swing! Ha! How happy and comfortable it looked! It ran away when it realised it had an audience, but promptly came back when we hid and waited.That was it! My mother took the swing (or what was remaining of the swing) off the hook and placed it on the floor of the room. Turns out the squirrel got angry. The mats in the balcony, which haven't been attacked till date, were all bitten, and their fragments lay on the floor, lifeless! What's more, the little creature had the guts to enter the house and nibble at the swing that was sitting on the floor! Oh God save! And i apparently find squirrels very cute. *sigh* Thus ended the short life of my beloved swing!
Pigeons and squirrels are nice to watch when they're on trees. Now, after some not-so-nice experiences, my mind refuses to forget the bitterness of the stench and dirt and nibbled fragments and the early death of a gift. And so my balcony stands swing-less, awaiting the next encounter with the wild! Lets see how long this break lasts!
PS: The picture depicts what i'd be doing if the swing were still alive. And that pic, is among the numerous ones we took.
Yours "looks like i'm not the only one who loves the balcony'ly
Signing off...
Happy 100th post!!!
:D:D It def. looks like mother nature's creations love your balcony or love to irritate you. Well, you could have left what was left of the swing in the balcony only, at least the squirrel will get to eat the whole thing. And some temper the squirrel's got,what would it do if it goes to the exhibition where the swings are sold??
But on top of it all, I wish my balcony was so appealing, the only thing that has ever happened was that a monkey came but went away very soon. :-(
I like squirrels too but I don't like pigeons much.
suk - First, thanks a pile for reading the post! i tho it was long anf boring! More discussions on squirrels n pigeons are not goin to make me happy. I liked squirrels alot, now am re-thinking. I didnt mind pigeons, now i do! i guess people at the exhibitions protect their swings! And i like the tree outside your balcony!
Hey Happy 100 !! :)
Expecting loads more frm u :)
So where's the treat ? :D
(P.S : Don't tell me in the Genetic Engg/Molecular Biology lab :P)
Talking abt Pigeons..ugh I've had a similar experience.
These pigeons shat on our bathroom walls (on the outside)..Everytime we entered our bathroom, the 'aroma of pigeon shit' :| welcomed us..We thot it was some drainage problem or sumthin..And on one fine morning we realized it was this pigeon..And one squad was employed to clean its nest and the white matter present in that exhaust hole..Ugh..Disgusting..
And i have a similar 'jhoola' too in my balcony...Get a cane-wala squirrel can make a dinner/breakfast out of it :)
you're welcome :-)It wasn't long and boring.
Talking of squirrels, I just remembered that abhinaya(cousin) once found an injured squirrel on the road and then brought it home nursed it and all. When it became alright it used to go all over the house. into the cupboards and all. But then they had to release it in the park and it never came back.
I like the tree outside my balcony too :D It's perfectly placed and neither too big nor too small.
nithya - We're contemplating a cane jhoola too! :)lets not discuss abt the 'aroma'! and abt the treat, as a rule, i dont treat people in the mentioned labs unless they're willing to settle for E.Coli or some bacteria that grew out of the sputum my friend spat into a test tube, which was later cultured on the petri plate! Do i make that fine point clear?
suk - i think i've heard that story before! wat did they name it?
that was hilarious man, ;) i was ROFL , actly u ve told me bout both the stories a couple of times,but put 2gedr in 1 post it was reely very fuuny,but d squirrels nibbling away ur bday gift dats sad, very naughty squirrels -eatng away jus bout nythng-sapaadarmis like u,as i suggestd b4 make dem wear braces dey'll find it diff 2 nibble stuff den loll dese encounters wid nature,wid d wild is even more common at my place,frogs esp loll i neednt go further n ur balcony is a beutfl place :)n almost 4got "way 2 go" 4 ur 100th post
heyy divs,
we had squirrels in our ac box...and on the contrary, they didnt really come in the house but we could never turn the ac we took the squirrel babies out and and i dont know what the watchman did with them but i hope they got to live..they we soooo cute..hehe anyway, try to get the just swing..i would like to be one of the people who gets to swing on it! :)
Hey i thought u were superstitious. How come u din buy that line about disrupting pigeon's nests ??
I feel sad to hear that you are opposed to letting pigeons settle down peacefully in a pigeon-scarce city like chennai. :-(
sand - nice to know u found the post funny! lol. Thanks a pile for calling them sapaadramis like me! What a compliment... and i can just abt imagine makin them wear braces!! Lol... they'll bite the dentist's fingers! It'd be quite a sight! Nice imagination. And i think i should be complainin abt squirrels nibbling my swing when u have tadpoles running on your feet or frogs hopping into your room ;-) I'd get scared like hell!
anu - Squirrels look really cute! I can just abt imagine the baby squirrels :)Being in chennai n not being able to turn the ac on musta been quite frustrating. And will let u know abt the swing soon ;-)
Happy rotter - Being superstitious at the cost of having shit on your head/shoulder/etc? U know they have superstitions for that too dont u? ;-)
If you cared so much abt the pigeons, u shud have sent in a word! i'd have re-directed them to where they belong - your room ac! It shall promptly be done the next time my blacony has an 'encounter'!
Raja I think I don't really remember
My ac is meticulously positioned. So even if the pigeons wanna whoop it up on my Ac, they can't. Im not stopping them from occupying it either! The Vaastu is just not right for them.
I think you forgot my post where i mentioned this :
"A bird doing its business on you foretells success in that day's undertaking."
suk - ok...!
H.rotter - I hope u don mind the short form, your name's too long! I was thinking of 'rotter' alone. Do let me know which one u prefer!
No ac could be as stupidly placed as ours, so well, yippee for the pigeons! And i remember that line from your post, and i rmbr the pic better! :P
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