I was telling one of my cousins yesterday that blogging about A.R.Rahman and Mani Rathnam has become so terribly cliched. Every other blog has a post raving about either of them, their work and their genius. But well, i guess alot of people do blog about them because they really rock...one sensible film maker, and one music genius. You know what's even better? The combination. When they work together on a project. And there, i'm finally blogging about them myself! But this is not because of how i'm totally in awe about their work (which i am actually, but that's a different issue!). So why has this post come up?
I happened to watch the movie Aayudha ezhuthu (pardon spelling errors if any) again, but only for the second time. All i could recall about the movie before i watched it again was this - I'd watched it in Mayajaal, after my dad bought tickets that i thought were grossly expensive, i was amazingly cranky and pissed off during the drive, and maybe that's because my brother refused to come with us, we ate some ridiculously dry vazhakai bajji in a small eat out before the movie, and it made me choke no end, my mother thought the movie was too violent and didn't like it,I totally loved the scene where surya is dismissed from college but he doesn't leave because all the students say they'll leave with him, I loved the way surya pushed bharatiraja out of his way in the last scene, and also liked the scene when trisha comes back from sivagasi. Ok i know i could recall more of what happened before the movie, than the movie itself! Maybe that's why i wanted to watch it again!
Anyway, to the point...i watched the movie, and liked it all over again. But this time, i noticed the finer details of the music that i may have noticed, but not gone back to, when i watched the movie in the theatre. The Background Music - the BGM. In the siddharth-trisha scenes. Lovely. Violins. Good dialogue + Good BGM = Scene that can be watched atleast 10 times on the same day ;-) Thats wat happened! But well... something quite funny just happened now. I'd been watching the movie with my cousin this morning, and we reached the part where sid doesn allow trish to leave the bus, and they sit there for a long time till the bus goes to the terminus and comes back to her stop. Theres a small song (a variation of hey goodbye nanba) in the background...I'd recorded the song in my mp3 player because i couldn't find it anywhere online. So i was telling him the lyrics go like this -
May mazhai Naan illai
Idhuku mel oru nilai
vidai kudu, pogrien
eeramai vazhgiren...
He gave me one look, and started laughing! Obviously there was something wrong with the lyrics...the lines didn't sound right! Things didn't add up... so he said he'll listen to it...and he laughed and laughed...because he thought the lyrics actually are...
Nee mazhai Naan Alai
Idhuku mel uravu illai
vidai kudu, pogiren
eeramai vazhgiren...
I laughed too. Mainly at his "when do we get rain in May?" question! But still, the eermai vazhgiren part didn't make sense... and then, the movie was playing on tv, and we were watching the same scene... and we realised...we got the first line wrong! It ACTUALLY is
Nee mazhai, naan yelai
Idhuku mel, uravu illai
vidai kudu, pogiren
eeramai vazhgiren...
Whew! And now, it finally makes sense!
Translation... (if u already understand the lyrics, please dont read this translation, it'll be terrible!)
You're the rain, I'm a leaf
We don't have any relationship beyond this
Say your farewell, I'll leave
And live in all Wet-ness! ;)
Anyway... its been an ayudha ezhuthu BGM week. Been listening to the same tunes, and watching the same scenes over and over again... some movie! If you want to check out the video of the song i've been ranting about... here
Yours "Vidai kudu...pogiren"ly
Signing off.....
you know, I don't remember any of the things you had remembered from the movie and now that I come to think of it, I don't remember much. But, the combination of both of them has gone wrong, I think in GURU . and you do get rain in May. not in Chennai but in other places(:D) and I think it rained in May this year?
and vairamuthu + A R Rahman + Mani Ratnam is even better :)
and Trisha looks different in that pic
suk - I liked the Guru songs. Maybe the album wasn fantastic or anything, but i kinda liked them...and you know theres something i'd read when guru came out... it said "mani rathnam is a great director. Just that he cant make hindi movies". So maybe thats why guru music din do so well ;)
And well, i suggest u watch the movie again. Definitely worth a watch. And vairamuthu's awesome most of the times. I guess he screws up once in a while! anyway, i don put him into the combo :P
I think trisha looks nice in this movie... maybe its the hair. And even though she has an unfair "peter" accent in her tamil in the movie, i think it suits her role, and even sounds cute in some places! And siddharth... well, i love him!
Instead of this in depth analysis..You could have spent this time watching those really cute scenes again..Atleast given a choice i wud have done that..:P
kar - I'm a very generous person. Instead of keeping good stuff to myself, i'd prefer spreading it, for others to enjoy it too ;) epadi bit? :P
After all, we gain more happiness in making other people happy :D
Haiyo ok, i'll stop!
i like i like...havent watched the movie properly yet.but will now.the translation was hilarious hehe :)
legspace - yayy! Pl do watch it...definitely worth it! And well, i know the translation sounds so ridiculous and funny! It doesn't sound so bad when it's in tamil ;)
well, not true. it's just that mani ratnam's hindi movies aren't a hit that's it. and I didn't like guru song's that much.. but much much better than Sivaji songs but you can't blame ARR for sivaji cause it needed typical rajini music. Trisha can look nice, but she CAN'T act .
I love Siddarath too :P
suk - His hindi movies never click...and i liked the sivaji music. Yes it was typical rajini music, but i kinda liked it. I think ARR did a great job. Esp with style and athiradee. I think trisha is ok. Tamil movies only occasionally look for acting talent in a herione ;) The main criterion happens to be good looks! Unless one is plannin to make a mozhi-like movie again!
Which reminds me... prakasharaj/radhamohan duo's next movie is with trisha...its him and trisha, about a father daughter relationship apparently.
hmm, i can't agree on sivaji music. anyway father daughter is a relationship is a new topic no? and trisha's going to act??nooooooooooo...
and, my dad noticed, all most all heroines in mani ratnam movies are introduced with a song and mostly, dancing in the rain
suk - i don think soo!!! Tell me in which movie, other than guru and roja it happens! Doesn happen in alaipayuthe, or kannathil muthamital, or bombay, ayutha ezhuthu, Nayagan, Thalapathi, anjali, ok cant think of any other movie! But u know what there IS? Theres almost always something to do with a beach... or waves...or water...it may be a song, or a scene. But its always there.
alaipayuthe-- the yaaro song, shalini gets introduced no?
ayutha ezhuthu--- fana(1 heroine only, but still. )
bombay- kannalene
Mouna raagam also
and yeah, that's true.
suk - i agree with the song bit, not the RAIN bit!
ok, rain is sometimes..
You wont believe it .. I have been humming "en jeevane" -> the BGM that plays when madhavan kills his bro n comes back to Bharatiraja for the past 2-3 days .. Now i ll humm nee mazhai too :) ..
And Rahman ...wat can I say !! :)
vinod - I havent really noticed en jeevane! But will do that right away ;-) And i've been humming nee mazhai for almost 2 weeks now!
kar-- don ask her to watch those scenes again n again... she is scolding me after seeing it.. she says i m unfit to put such bits with girls... ne edhukku priyojanam nu she is asking me... i said if i get to meet someone like trisha i ll put... :P
visu - Unnoda andha line ah naan romba perumeya yen friends kita laam sonnen da :P I don rmbr if i told kar though ;)
If there's someone like Trisha obviously i will also put the enthu... :P
ithella oru peruma vera!!!thu :P
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