Saturday, August 02, 2008


I think I've taken a long enough break from blogging! And, it wasn't voluntary ;) First, to the 14th of July, 2008, a toast (well, an imaginary one!), for being the happiest, and the most tiring day in the past few months. Why would i want to offer this toast to a tiring day? Because it is after the most tiring days that you sleep most sound, and most deep :) Anyway, lets all wish my Anna and my Manni a happy happy life ahead! Love you guys!

Now to things more relevant to my present situation. My firsts in Australia.

Smiling, at random strangers, and all the time.
Drinking water straight out of a kitchen tap.
Wearing a Jerkin continuously, ALL the time, for a week (and i'm sure it'll be for longer!)
Shouting out 'Thank you' to bus drivers.
Finding banks tolerable, to the extent of mild liking! (but that does not change the fact that i STILL want the guy i marry to do all the banking later in life!)
Loving ALL the clothes that my mother bought me! (because she had the sense to buy me warm clothes. I on the other hand, was a total idiot! thank God for mothers...)
Walking up and down SLOPES. Its like you hike everyday!
Handling extreme courtesy, and niceness from great people.
Seeing SO MANY chinese people in one place. You get confused, start wondering if you're in Australia or China! No offence to any chinese though!
A thought...on how marriage should eventually work out :) Yes, a couple gave me the feeling, recently. It feels good to see people like that.

I could go on... :)

Missing everyone back home... love you guys!

Yours "Jahaan bhi le jaye zindagi..." ly
Signing off...


Nikhil said...

Yayy! The Divster is BACK !!

Div said...

Nik - count on you to add all sorts of suffixes to Div :)

Nikhil said...

Thank you!

Ah, atleast someone appreciates totally useless, obscure talents! LOL :-D

Anonymous said...

yaay!welcome back!drinking water straight out of a kitchen tap?super cool!and lucky you to be "hiking" almost everyday. and chinese people are EVERYWHERE except in india

Vinod Ramamoorthy said...

You have a good one mam :)

Div said...

nik - Lol, i totally appreciate it! :)

Suk - That actually may be true! They're probably everywhere lol... n yes, water out of the tap! If u hike everyday, u wont think u're lucky to be doin it!

Div said...

vinod - a good what? :)

Dinvra igaluaC said... seem to be having fun!!!

Anonymous said...

diiiiiiiivsss....guess who's back u bum..yensoiyin fulltime cool..:)..put up pics no how's college n all...n walkin up n down slopes n thnakin drivers..oh well all of us gott learn to b polite sometiem in life..hehe...

Div said...

caulagi - wow!! Thanks for droppin by :) I'm havin fun alright, but doin work too! Classes have started n all. how're u?

Shrut - another surprise! Commentin n all lol... cool! Yes, we do have to learn to be polite dont we!! high time! thats why u shud join me here, n learn life's lessons ;)

Dinvra igaluaC said...

I'm fine....and how rude!!..nikhil saw the pictures of you wearing the chain....but the designer doesn't get to see it all????