My name is divya. It means Divine. :D I don't know from where parents get such apt names! ;-) Ok, i'll stop. I have this thing with naming my belongings... my scooty is called Basanti reloaded (reloaded cuz the old dabba one was called basanti)...and it was named by 2 of my schoomates, nitya and nidhee. Those were the days... *sigh*! We named nitya's spirit ramdayal and nidhee's kinetic dheendhayal! And anu's cycle seetharaman. And at that time, nilesh decided to name his bike fatang mclaren, but changed it to something else after that! Crazy huh? And that too the name basanti was in some weird way is connected to sholay! I think thats what the heroine was called. oh God, let me save you guys the confusion. Dear loyal readers, i need help.
I need a name for my dear football! And where better to get suggestions? :D Anything is welcome.. and if you have a reason to justify your name, better :D I remember in the movie 'cast away' Tom hanks, names his volley(?) ball wilson or something! So English names, south indian names, any type accepted! More than one name is welcome...pl extend your help in this extremely important issue in my life... i have so far christened all my soft toys, none of which i have bought (my fave being ginger!), the pencil pouch i used to use in school (Toni, which had a twin, meaning someone else had the same pouch!)...we once had a naming ceremony for one of the soft toys that was gifted to a friend! And we made a document and signed it! It still exists...he was called Gonguna alias mussi by the way!Anyway. let me not continue. Just give me some names!
I have had one so far... Mr.B, one of my friends suggested. But i didn't like it too much. Besides, it'd be like stealing tsb's name! So any names other than mr.B are welcome! Oh wait... i have had a few more suggestions just now... azzurificated, pirlos, italios,(which is all btw because i supported Italy in the worldcup, and always have!) which i am not shunning! So pl, feel free to add to the list!
PS: The picture shows my football in a very dirty condition after today's rooftop game ;-)
Thankyou for your time.
yours "Whats in a name?"ly
Signing off....
Ok that was the first name that came to mind. He's also getting kicked around and his name is always dragged through mud by the media.
I will return with more names! ;-B
What's in a name ??
anish - it shall be considered! hmm... I could probably call him Georgey ;-) and the 'whats in a name' was just for the shakespeare effect :D
Couldn u think of any other names!
anish - u think one's identity lies in one's name? U would be the same person to me even if u were called george w. Bush ;-) Some people have a name, but still feel faceless...feel like they dont have an identity.
But ofcourse, i cannot deny that your immediate identity lies in your name!
where your parents got such apt names? maybe they just had a momentary lapse of thinking as they were lost in joy[or sorrow?] and there by named you divya..or maybe they just thought and had a least a little ray of hope that you might become "divine"..:D
and basanti reloded!!lol
anyway for your football..
Mr. footie
Mr. somebody
Mr. footly[football +italy]
Mr. meotti[messi+totti]
Ok that's all I can think of...but some how it doesn't seem right if your football is female..
and there is a thing which i would like to add to the list of weird things about you..you name all your possessions!!
I'd love to add, but I'm quite bad at naming inanimate objects.
My iPod is Hu, and my older car is Rita.
I also won the naming competition for the inter-college fest, with 'Prayaag'.
Thusly, my naming creativity is exhausted.
Not Georgy! Please!
suk - thanks for telling me the range of possibilities as to why i just maight have been named divya ;-) It was very interesting to read! Ray of hope!! LOL! And am not too fond of either messi or totti... but i am fond of cannavaro, and ayala, and pirlo... u think i should name it cannayalo??!!! let me know!!
Nik - Your names aren so bad! Pl suggest some :D
anish - ok fine!!
How abt Fawlty?
nik - any justifications for the name? ;-)
Just popped into my head.
I'm assuming you haven't watched Fawlty Towers.
nik - No i havent. The name shall be considered, thanks!
name it bharat?
why would you want to kick me? :(
tsb - who said am naming it bharat? am not...i wouldn want to kick u.
how about cannayapirlo?actually that's too long..ok I really dunno...maybe you could just call it canno
suk - canno? hmm... but i don want to limit to one player!! thats being unfair...
maybe tufut.......
caulagi - hey!!! long time! how u doin? n where are u...!
Everyone gets a kick out of it :d
DIVS! you did it AGAIN!
lol.. i name everything too.. but the one that i like best is JP short for James Peter.. thats my computer :D :D :D
hmm.. and football eh.. i like suggestion above :D but i think u shud consider tequila rather than brandy .. more football-ish. :D wot say vinod?? ;)
vinod - that'd sound cute! thanks!!
shruti - I havent named my pc yet, but u're sort of inspiring me ;-) James peter! did u mis spell potter to peter?? ;-) tequila is also a classic name! lol... will consider it!
call him johnny.....it'd serve dual purpose..u cn keep callin deppz name..cn change it 2 jacksparrow once in a ehile i gues..lol...nd since deppz ur fav actor n footballz ur fav object..guess de name settles somewhere..:D..wokay..slitely confused but still..u cn always ve de standby ones like footy,foozball,fooz....k m crappin..sorry divs..:D
how come u haven mentioned ur braces r comin on de blog man..........tis almost front page news na...;D
heyy wat bout spot,spotter,spotty,roundy,rowdy,boundy,baldy,jp(jk sprro),beethoven..(???)duno y i said tht..jus cmme..avalathan po..cnt think of nymore for now....
shruti!!! thanks so much for so many names... i did consider johnny :D :D but decided against it for some reason...i like rowdy!!! lets c ;-) and don break the suspense abt the braces! am yet to update!!
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