The 6th of november... :D Sandhya, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! Have a great day! Actually you will... considering you're going to be spending the better part of it with me ;-) he he. Anyway, looking forward to another year of drunken laughter, sidey comments, and utter craziness... n that'll happen even more naturally, now that exams are around the corner! So...have a blast! and stay sane atleast today ;-)
i sketched johnny for sandhya... and i loved it!! :D And hope she did too.... Parting with the sketch was so :(. But i never drew it for keeps, so tata deppy. I trust you have been handed over to someone who is as crazy about you, and will definitely take care of you better ;-)
I really dont know what to post about... this should do for now. Study hols, yet again!!!! *sigh*
Yours "sketching suddenly seems worthwhile"ly
signing off.....
I think that would be the shortest post you've ever written!anyway..that is a wonderful sketch!!And your cribbing about study hols when the teachers are planning to cut the hols we get before the terminal exams!!And they are still hols..which means you can get up at whatever time you want but just make sure you do 4 hrs. of studying in the middle :D
suk - yeah i never realised its such a short post!! lol... n 4 hrs of studyin eh? hmm, will think abt it! ;-)
Nice sketch, girl!
You can sketch too? Jeez, you are good at a lot of things, aren't you?! Wow! :-)
nik - danku :) I din think anythin of my sketching till recently...
Dono abt being good at alot of things, but definitely good at being modest ;-)
nikhil hitting on divs?
oh, and this is a customary post on your blog, divs.
you're welcome :)
hey divs
short n sweet post but longg comment loll but a BIG BIG THANK U for all d effort u put in 2 make dat potrait it was so beutfl. i cnt tell u, so realistic man(u def hav sumthng 2 make a living incase BT doesnt wrk out loll ;) way 2 go creatv head of biotech) n both of us can jus go on n on bout deppy loll but thnks 4 parting wid him,wud hav been reely diff, completly undrstnd but as u said "ill take double d care " loll n yes i did hav a grt b'day , thnks 4 all those lill surprises;) they'll be etched in my memory 4 a lifetime,n bout r bewdism dat'll be der no matter how manyevr b'days go by, loll lemme end in ur ishtyle
urs "bewdily sappadramily signg of"
tsb - what am i welcome for?! It took u so long to make out that nik's hittin on me? *tongue out*
Thats why nik writes looong posts on his blog abt Elle... LOL.
Sand - Loved the signing off line! I guess thats one i've never used ;-) n ofcourse u'll take double care of deppy dear! And in case biotech doesn work out, u know wat we have in hand... sketchin, painting tshirts, makin videos (umm, documentaries if u please!!), doin 'creative' stuff...lol. Lets c where we finally end up! 1.5 years is not too long a wait ;-)
Bharat, I think it's time to tell you what's really been goin' on.
Divs is Elle
*wild Red Indian tribal dance*
wow!!ur sketchz super famous man..all ma frenz in coll n all r askin who sketchd depp..:D..way 2 go divS!!yay!!!!:D
i guess i m too simple minded to understand relationships :(
shruti - aah, as long as they recognized him ;-) The recognition is the biggest compliment!
tsb - LOL! U're callin yourself simple minded? pl make no such mistake henceforth...!
nice :). period. lol.. been i while since i've been here.. nice sketch though :D
shruti - Thanks :) yep, been a while! Would have liked to see your comment on the marriage post. Do read it when you're free!
Did i just become Elle?
Bharat wanted some gossip na, so I gave him some!! :-p
nik - yep, satisfy the gossip mongers! ;-)
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