The few things in summer that i look forward to... We all hate the heat and the sweat... but there's a greener side :)
The yellow light that appears in our dining hall wall every morning at sunrise... :) Its been one big inspiration for my photography! And alot of time pass with my coffee/chocolate mug! And.. i love photos of shadows...

Flaming peepal trees. Well, its not so flaming in this picture, but they look alot redder than that! I like to call them 'tress on fire'! *lame* right! I could stare at them for eternity. And did you know the speciality of the peepal tree... Every leaf swings by itself in the wind... they don't swing as a branch. So the next time you see this tree, try and notice...if its all sunny, the tree looks like its glittering because each leaf is on its own.

Aah... the yellow and green mix. They look better when sunlight is filtering through them, which means you'd have to look at them from right below the tree. And this particular place, oryza, by itself is a nice building. During summer, the tree adds to the beauty!

MANGOES! :) But there's been a conspiracy this year! They're not tasting good :( Damn the export market!

Watermelon :) Yumm.
I hate the heat :( But its better than floods. Anyway, These...are things other than sunshine that brighten up summer days :) Thus, i welcome summer, gracefully. And i hate my colllege and the uni for making us write exams in baking summer! And worse, studying for them! argh! Which reminds me, i have study holssss!
PS : Suk, we could always continue the comments on the prev post. I'm loving them! :)
Yours "there are some cool things about summer"ly
Signing off...
you know there's a good thing about having exams during summer. Cus you can eat mangoes and water melon, drink yelaneer and enjoy reading biology. And have a practical knowledge by gazing at the trees. See, it'll only inspire you! :P But I would rather not have it! You know what's worse? Having exams when it's raining.. You know you would SO want to sit in the balcony and watch the rain but you would have to study and will have to hear rain splashing on your windows and NOT be able to watch it. And you would already have known enough about the water cycle to learn about it again so no practical experience there. So in a way it's better you have it in summer!
I don't like those pink flowers much. The gulmohars are really nice!!
And that yellow and green mix. The house does look rather nice.
I wanna see that peepal tree.. the way each leaf swings by itself, talk about individuality.I'm not a great fan of yelaneer.Lime juice is the best! And water melon.. hmm I don't like the top portion of water melon only the bottom portion. Weird i know.
And there's nothing like coming from the hot sun and drinking nice, COLD water... ah heaven!
But what I like BESt about summer? HOLIDAYS!!! yaay!
suk - How dare u underestimate our exam fixers? We have exams when its hot, and we have exams ALSO when the raindrops are tapping at your windows! 2 sems a sem exam in may, one in november! And u call all that practical experience eh?! We're way beyond the biology that had to do with trees and flowers! Now talk abt stuff u cant even visualise...amino acid residues and alpha helices, transmembrane segments and pigments! God save :( We're all made of such complicated structures! I love lime juice college, during sports week, they have this huge barrel of lime juice (very sweet) placed in the ground...and one glass. And we give our immune systems some work by drinking from the barrel which is forever open in the field! But that, is heaven!
I love the pink flowers..and the gulmohar too.
Practical knowledge my foot!
lol! I totally forgot you had TWO semesters per year. That's soooo sad :D:D And you have the Mid sem. exams also.. lol I'm glad I'm still in school. And I think I should have learnt by now not to underestimate to any extent what bad things Jeppiar Management does :P
Amino Acid residues.. I'm so glad I'll never have to read all that!!
And for the lime juice, everytime you drink you just haev to scrape off the top layer, that way you'll give your immune system less work and you'll fall ill less often. And have you ever drunk bird shit like that? I mean you were really thirsty and without noticing the kaka pee inside the barrel, have you drunk the lime juice? I was just wondering.. curiosity sake :P
exams in this sticky true i truly hate em!!
yelaneer..yummm...i so agree..its a ritual evryday!
the things u notice!small nice simple joys we all forget to look at!!kudos! ;)
uu dint mention gettin tanned...feelin drenched in sweat..wanting to hit the sack every hour...and madly wishin a swimming pool would appear with ice cold water!;) ;)
suk - thanks alot for now realising that exams happen to us at the most unfortunate of times. Actually, maybe the times become unfortunate because exams occur!:P And thanks a pile for askin abt kaka pee!arggh! Anyway, am done with all that crap...and besides, i dont think birds survive in sudukaadus like my college. They need trees u see, and ours, is a wilderness! and yeah u can be all glad you're not studyin abt amino acids...but its wow :)
Legspace - I sure forgot all that! esp wanting to sleep all the time! thanks for reminding. and abt getting tanned...wel, i've heard i have a permanent tan! And my feet are always zebra feet... one lovely alternating dark tan i always have! So that cant be done away with ;-) Summer..*sigh*!
did you take those pics yourself?? nice colors!! :) that silhoutte there on top (of divs and the coffee mug :) ) reminded me of the cover image of the alchemist.. which again reminded me of you :D wat say, when shall we meet up, so you can get your book back? lol
shruti - I took all the tree pics...only the mango, coconut and watermelon are stolen ;-)i also like the coffee mug pic :) there are whackier ones though! Of course it alls tops the minute my mom starts shouting that am gettin late for college, so i better get rid of the camera and go for a bath! lol. Frankly, i dont remember how the alchemist cover looks! Am amazed u still have the book! ;-) Kudos! If u're serious abt meeting up (this time!!) we can make arrangements after am done with these irritating exams! Wat say? :)
you're on :) lets make in sometime in may (you're exams WILL get done before june wont they??) i wont be around after that :)
shruti - my exams end only on june 1st :( sad...they start only on may 18th.
thank you!(for the wishes) and lol your welcome (for asking about ka ka pee):D birds might not live there but they would sure want to come a have a laugh at you guys during the sports meets:P ok just kidding.
suk - yeah right! not at the cost of their lives ;-) of course they might have wanted to enjoy my cricket... :D kuduthu vaikala!
hey such a colourful post , all vibrant colour, luks reely nice, kinda makes u 4get bout d worst part of summer, d 'killing,sweltering heat'dat makes u wish u stay inside a ac room d whole dam day, n ya 2 top all that we hav xams xactly at dose times wen d weathr is at it's xtreme end,both d sem xams loll n dose tendril n yellow flowr trees r jus bout evrywer now, so cool dey luk,i rembr how we wnt 2 boat club on ur bike 2 take dose pics damm we r mad,but totally worth,dat cafe pic roks ;)n dose mangoes n melons yummy,thnk God dey grow best durng dis season loll
sand - i so remember the photo taking session!!! I was so embarassed to get off the bike and take my camera out in the middle of the road! But am so glad i did it...and that too boat club :) hmm :)thanks for the company! Actually,thanks to your mom for allowing u to sit on my basanti! And sand, thats not a cafe. That building is a spa. I like the name and the way the building's made...wooden. Looks very nice, esp with the tree! And ya, for a change, my blog has a very colourful post :) unlike our xerox-ed books! Argh, its so irritating when in Branden n tooze they say "the red portion show the alpha helices and the blue show the beta sheets" and all you can see is one blob of black and maybe grey! :( I hate exams!
lol! I guess that would have been worth the risk. Anyway is studying about amino acids is "wow" why do you complain about exams?
suk - totally worth the risk eh? lol... it is wow, but thats not the only thing we study abt sadly. We need to study such irrelevant subjects...:(
Divya, ONLY you can come up with such ideas! AND notice such's a pity you weren't in my college...I'm sure the nuns would have loved to have such appreciative & perceptive students!!! On my first day in college (and on subsequent first days for every batch that came in), our Princi in her speech mentioned that they had bouquets to welcome us, and me being me, I started looking around for the cellophane-wrapped, florist's shop variety! Turns out, she was referring to the zillion trees (in full bloom)...See, how wasted your 'skills' are in Jeppiar!
And "amino acid residues and alpha helices, transmembrane segments and pigments"??? WHAT'S wrong with you??? Trying to show off in front of poor Sukanya??? She's a school kid with some sense...who (I'm hoping) does justice to Lav's (speaking of whom, Sukanya, WHERE is Lavanya?) name and doesn't spend so much time cooped up with her books to be able to spout such nonsensical jargon! Really!!! Sometimes, I feel like disowning you and Nidhee!!!
And finally, please note that I've FINALLY posted a comment on your blog, so you may now do your exotic Zulu dance and act excited!!! * This is when I ACTUALLY have a '(mischievous)twinkle in my eye' and not when YOU THINK I do! Even your camera agreed with me this time! Lol!
And 'Zebra feet'...Is that your ONLY claim to tan-dom? You've been flaunting it since our first year!!! Oh well.. I guess with YOUR dress code, that's the most you can manage! *cheeky grin*
nanya - now there's a comment that really made me laugh! First, welcome! Am i nun-bad! I mean, so bad that u think your nuns will love me? unfair! You're just all jealous that u din go to a non-nun college. but hell, yours is way better than mine. Like u very rightly mentioned, i study in a concentration camp!
We like showing off once in a while, but def not as much as nidhee does! And pl pl dont underestimate sukanya! shez anything but a poor school kid! U'll find out!
You should have avoided that mysterious twinkle phrase for your own good... cuz my fingers are itching to type some nice lines and have some fun! Anyway, we'll leave that out of this! And damn my camera! it stopped EXACTLY there. argh!
I shall show of my zebra feet till they remaint that way! With my dress code, i can manage my face too! ever looked at it properly? :P
Jealous??? Psshh psshh...why would I be jealous of YOUR college??? No really..why? Why would I willingly go to a concentration camp and be willing to allow myself to be sacrificed at the altar of 'higher education'! You may keep your college, and if it helps, remember I've graduated BEFORE you (Don't I so love doing this!).
And "twinkle" may want to refrain from letting those 'itchy' fingers free... Or I shall ACTUALLY disown you and not just THINK about it!
And Zebra Feet & tanned face...that's all you got? Oh never mind, once you're out of your famous college, we'll trade tanning stories!
And Sukanya ain't a poor school kid? Well, in comparison to you, she certainly is!
Except for the mangoes I hate summer !! Except for the fact that it makes u feel good when u walk into an AC room !! :)
ananya - We'll take this argument to the next post ;-) n yep, we could trade tanning stories ;-)
vinod - The mangoes dont taste good this year :( :( And yeah, walking into an AC room = heaven! And even drinking cold juice or water!
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