"I am older than I once was, Younger than i'll be, Thats not unusual.
After changes upon changes we are more or less the same."
The line above is from a music piece,'The Boxer' by Simon and Garfunkel. Nice song...Nice line.
I didn't want to post on the day of the year which happens to remind people around me, and myself, that around 19 years back, a puny little thing made a grand entrance into the big bad world, yelling its lungs out...but well, a few people have made it impossible for me to ignore the day and consider it normal. Hence unfold a series of (for a change) very fortunate, and surprising events (actually, just 1 event).
Maybe i shouldn't describe the whole thing...it'll definitely bore you. Thus i shall give you the crux. I share birthdays with this other girl in my 'gang'. We were supposed to give her 2 gifts which were apparently very 'fragile'. Well, so my friends (the ones apart from the one who shares my birthday) told me to take her gifts home and bring them very carefully on the following day. I took extra care. When i put those gifts in my bag the previous night, i wrapped the 2 wrapped gifts in my labcoat and made an effort to place my bag very softly on the floor of my room. And then, i got a call at 12.00...and was wished...and was asked whether i handled the gifts carefully. Well, hell yes i did! Did u call to wish me or to ask about the gifts that are supposedly not mine? Then i was instructed to open my bag...and unwrap the gifts!! They were mine! To open at 12! I couldn't believe it...and i talked to my friend who i share birthdays with, and she was told to take my gifts home! And we were both laughing...like hell. It was a great feeling...the contents of the gifts i have been told strictly not to reveal. But hell, i must say this!One of them was a cd...something very nice. My friend had made a video for me (which featured her)...with the song 'yaaron' in the background. It was just wow. You know these gifts where-in more time is spent than money...they rock. I ended up smiling for a very long time...like it was all unreal...wondering if i actually deserved that...thinking it was the perfect way for a birthday to start. The day was normal. Nothing after that in college. I got back home, and ananya n nidhee came home with my fave 'chocolate excess' cake from barista...it was lovely. Everyone
had to be so sweet................
So this is a big 'THANKYOU FOR MAKING MY DAY' to Sandhya first and foremost. Sand, that was one hell of a surprise and its one of the most lovely gifts i have receieved, ever! Then Rekha...who was also a part of that great planning committee!! And nidhee and nanya....thanx so much! Love you all....And all of you who called/mailed/messaged/anythinged. tsb who mailed me a day early and blamed it on the time zones...nil, nik,caulagi,lav, nit,shrut and anybody else i
missed. Thanx so much! You made my day and u're the reason i'm posting!
Wasnt planning to post...but hell, such an event in my otherwise un-eventful, mundane life needs a mention!
Signing off....
of all the things, you ahd to remember that i sent the mail early?
but i had a valid reason! theres a 10 hr gap betn here and there and i didnt realize what the time was. :p
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIVS! Great to see you are so happy! :) ... nice thing your friends did :) ...
You turn 19 eh? lucky you ... im no longer a teen in a few months! feeling so old!
Well, I commented!
tsb, i meantioned you all the same!! n u were the first person to wish me anyway ;-)n i remembered that u mailed early cuz thats the only b'day mail thats ever made me laugh!
Vinay, thanx so much. n yes, we all do feel older as b'days approach!
Nik - i can see u commented...lol
hey divs
am so glad u liked wot we did 4 u
;) it's a grt feeling when sum1 says that 'we made ur day '(dat also on a special day like ur b'day) thnks buddy !!! thnks 4 acknowldng n likn it so much - u def deserve dat gift(dont even thnk bout it) cos ur a grtttt(2 d powr of infinity) frd of ours :) get it!!!
sand! lol...u so shouldn't have said that! thanx man. n if i didn't acknowledge that, it wud be so unfair...things like that dont happen everyday, and dont even happen on birthdays most of the time! It was great...
"I am older than I once was, Younger than i'll be [/quote]
i told you a way to make it better and more philosophical!
"I am older than I ever will be, Younger than I ever will become"
aaah. i already told u that that's tsb style. (What u called 'cool'). And i told u...the my style's simple, just like me! ;-) . and i stick to that!
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