Second time lucky. I can't believe myself. There was this time i chucked David Beckham out of 'favourites' list because he left Man U... he left it for money. He resigned as 'darling' of the club and become 'just another player' at Real (which i have never considered a team. Just a bottomless money pit with a collection of freshly bought good lookin players, who go there to lose form!)...and, he had to change his jersey number from 7, because Raul, the darling of Real, was 7. Then he went out of form for a while... some scandals in his personal life...just lost any interest in him. But today... after watching 2 england matches (in which england as a team didn't play too well)... i can't not like him anymore. I think he has class.... Such accurate crosses! Strikes right on target...and ofcourse, he still looks good :D He's still the King of free kicks and side kicks, the architect of goals, and a brilliant mid-fielder. And if he has proper coordination from his fellow team mates, the strikers in particular, england can do much much better. Its hats off to david beckham, and it feels great to be crazy about with him again! :D Yaaaaaayyyyy!!!!
Dear captain, may you lead england to some good victories, and get back to Man U!
(well this does not mean england's my team for the worldcup...I'm stuck to the azzurris this time! Italy...Yaay! but I think England, a team with such good looking players, should go some decent distance towards the cup!!! ;-))
And... the guy has his wife's name tattoed on the under side of his left arm, in HINDI! beat that! Ain't that so cute? awww....here's proof.
and the commentator today had this super cute commment before he took the free kick...he said "come on david, bend it like Beckham!" Lol...
NOTE : No offence to Johnny Depp...Johnny, You'll always be on the list ;-) Just that its Beckham season now! You'll rule from july 7th! Pirate of pirates... :D
I LOVE FOOTBALL. Next to food ofcourse... :D
UPDATE 16/6/06 - Its so cool that i get to do this on this post... it being a football post, a Beckham post. This is for my Bro....Who i've watched every world cup with, screamed and jumped...cheered for italy... and the photo you see at the beginning of the post, is me in his beckham jersey... So, dear Bro - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! Ofcourse i am not in a position to give you money for your gift like you did ;-) or rather, not yet! But... you'll get something i can afford!!! Have a great day... :D 3 cheers to football!!!
Yours "In love with Beck all over again"ly
Signing offfffff.............
i knew you were going to post about this when we were chatting itself :D..were you typing it while chatting with me madam??!!!
and, i have seen the pic of his wife's name in hindi on his arm before... he is so HOT! he def will always be on my list of hotties!!! :D
go team beckham! ;)
anu - yaaay!!! yes, i was typin when we were chattin :D he's a hottie huh? lol...!! agreed! and again, he comes under my list of 'unfairly handsome and talented'
*ROFL* "He is the King of free kicks and *laughs* side kicks"? Side kicks?? LOL..I'm sorry, was that a typo or was that intentional? *still laughing* Becks playing Robin to Erikkson's Batman LOL
*boom* *puff* *pow*
And abt the tattoo, he's had it for a very long time now.. sad that the name is mis-spelt.. it would translate back to 'Vhictoria'..
And is that u in the England jersey??
Nik - i din write that for u to make fun of it! aww...i truly like him! so...pleez!
Yeah... i know the tatoo is mis-spelt...pity. But he still got it done!
and well... yes, thats is me in the jersey :)
hehehe....but yeah bekham is so totally good...and that pass to crouch was damn good...hez got such good accuracy...but i dont get it....y hindi of all the languages??
he also has to do some bandha and what better language than hindi ;)
I didn't mean to offend you, Divs
*hangs head in shame*
i don like becks...i mean the beer...its non alcoholic!
david,bend it like beckham...was a nice quote though!
that commentator fucka...is that andy? anyways...tells for every game..WC finals...what the fuck..?
then Tnt drew i the finals ha without penalty shoot out!
plz make it lound n clear to me!
World cup finals as in not the Qualifers da nil!
And divs ... all well but of course ... Beck put two free kicks straight out ... dint touch one player! He's not bak upto his potential but he's def back ... and all that about losing interest in him and about Madrid is SOOO true! I totally agree with ALL that! Real is a group of highly talented, celebrated players but not a team. very sad. its also how England is looking rt now to me ... highly hyped, talented and, (agreed :P) smart looking players (xcept Crouch fcourse!!) but not a team yet ...
suk - yeah, i guess w agreed on that over the phone :D
Anu - LOL!
Nik - No offence taken ;-)
Nil - i know you're a big tnt supporter...they played good. And yeah, he says WC finals for every game! lol... i think it is Andy.
Ram - i slightly overlooked the 2 that din got too well ;-) there was actually one that went rite into the 'wall' of players infront.. and ofcourse, crouch doesn live up to eng's smart guys... he's to tall to be a striker! like nil says... Crouch crouches!
i thnk i 'll b d only 1 2 comment bout nythng but ftball in dis post, loll cos all dat jus bounces off my (oh i knw only crkt) head of mine ;) - hehe - well he def. deserves 2 cum in ur "unfairly handsome list" lolll,but such a kutty line bout deppy at d end- wot n insult na - nxt time POC 2 releases- 1 lng post bout d world's most handsome drunken pirate , done?? ?'_'?
sand - did u even have to mention that?! that goes without sayin! I'll sing depp's praises for time to come! no prob...i cud talk abt it forever na! I mean, he definitely deservesit... so :D don feel insecure abt that! Pirates 2 is goin to be ROCKIN! yaaaayyy!! Cant wait! Chi... they make us wait so much... am waitin to do that post, on the drunken, n talented pirate :) those high cheek bones... :D
pirates of the caribean 2 will be a flop.
Mr.movie critic can go fall into the boiling red colour liquid of the super huge pot in hell... how dare u make a comment like that on this blog! I have a gut feeling you yourself are goin to sit in the theatre n enjoy the fun!
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