Adidas just made my day... or rather, my brother just did, indirectly. I was supposed to buy something with the money he'd given me for my birthday...still remember his great piece of advice "Don't save it, please spend it, all of it!" And i did just that... spent it on something i've been considering ownership of for quite sometime :D A good pair of sneakers...SHOES! Branded. I don't know why i happened to pick adidas, but i do know now that it was the right decision! I
think it started because there's an 'upto 50% off' sale...and there's such football ambience in that place!!
I stepped in to find David Beckham staring right into my face! Woo hoo! A HUGE poster...2 actually. And rows of football jerseys and shoes and so much more... and the last shelf had... football studs! I stared at them for so long am sure the guy helping us around would have thought i was charmed or hypnotised or something! Well... it wasn't too tough to pick the shoes. Love them :D And my mom picked some t-shirt for my bro and me( and as usual, i ended up pickin my t from the men's section! Never like the ladies secn...i dont think things like this ever change!)... normal stuff. But the big surprise came later...
We were billing...and they had this stand filled with post cards... again, the 'big names' in football... Ballack, Beckham, Kaka, Raul, Riquelme...for free. GRABBED some! LOL! And the guy smiled and walked away... i was stuck in this 'slightly embarassed' state but hell, the quotient of excitement and joy exceeded that of embarassment by a huge margin! And just as we were about to leave... the guy came back, with a poster!!! A poster Goddamit! Of Jose's team! Anyone who's seen the latest 'impossible is nothing' adidas ad on tv with thefootballers would know jose's team... 36 footballers + Jose in the poster! I almost screamed! It felt GREAT! And he smiled again... and with my 'Oh damn am goin to scream' expression, i said 'thanks so much'! And once we got into the car, i DID scream!!!! Loudly... much to the annoyance of my dad who does not
approve of posters because they apparently contribute to peeling of paint from walls :D.... But hell!! We were just leaving... and i spotted the same poster that was in my bag, but a blown up version, as a hoarding outside the adidas showroom. *broad smile*
Thats it i guess... still feels great!
sandhya - You've already made me brand ambassador for odomos, mangoes and helmets.... hope you won't deny me te honour of being brand ambassador for adidas, or better, football itself!!!:D :D
Nil - put up the poster for u... :D its not too clear... but i really couldn do more at 2.00am...do see the full size! :D hope u get one too!
NOTE : I have come to realise that no matter where you go eat in chennai, the best place for south indian dosai, vadai, idli, pongal etc... is Saravanabhavan! No matter how crowded, noisy, dirty...You go there to eat, and you eat among a thousand mamaas and maamis and their kids, and spend the least time you'd spend at a restaurant, and come out happy and full...the taste of sambar still lingering on some part of your tongue :D No wonder my thatha refuses to eat out
anywhere else!
NOTICE : This blog will lack the writer's participation for the next 5 days, as she will be out of town. But please do leave your valuable comments :D Will get back to you on the 27th! Will definitely miss my blog, and your comments ;-) But i'll hopefully come back with a story! And some nice pics i'm hoping...actually, i think am goin to miss the matches more than this!! Damn...nil, u better keep me updated man! Messages free within tamilnadu :)
Yours "I so hope I was Jose"ly
Signing off...
that is sooooo coooll....couldnt u have gotten one for me 2??better show me the poster!!!!
Suk - It'd be so pakki thanam types of me to have asked for another one! Considerin i was already actin like one :D Anyway, will def show it to u!!! :D :D
:D:D well atleast gimme some of the postcards!!!!
suk - will consider ;-)
u lucky bum! ... i want a copy for my new room!
Anytime vinay ;-) i actually put up the poster now... so u can have a look n decice if u raly want it!! :D
divya give the poster ill take color xeroxof it...it ll come ou cheaper..with duplicates of all stars
sure thing nil... will give it to u :D i think vinay n sukanya will also want a colour xerox :D
ofcourse i would want a colour xerox....it'll be as gud as the poster..:D:D
mam so dis time u asked me 2 honour u with this title , so here i go - u ve been sworn in as "brand ambasdr" of "addidas" also :) , bout football - dont u thnk dats 222 much , i mean one step at a time , it has been a gradual ascent 4 u mam mangoes- odomos- helmets - n now addidas, rocking i must say , u shud be in sum other course , not bio tech hehe :0
i love that add!!!! sooo cute! awww divs! good for you :D
sand - want to puch me off to marketting? ;-) well, to prove am doin biotech i cud become brand ambassador for some medicine or bacteria or somethin! Lemme know ;-) n thanks for the swearing in!
Anu - :D
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