We take life for granted. We take our health for granted. We take Nature's mechanism of correcting flaws and being almost perfect for granted. At times there are things that wake you up from your trance of 'taking for granted' and show you the real plight that you may go through. Some sort of self realisation...some sort of enlightenment. A feeling that makes you ask yourself whether you're worth this existence... It all happened to me in a single day...
We hardly compare hospitals to indian railway stations. But you will when you see this one. Hundreds of people - with stickers holding numbers stuck to their shirts - sitting, sleeping, standing in a single room...their faces unknown to you, unknown to each other. Yet, they are bound by a single cause - survival. The love to live, to see another sunrise, to see their families extend through generations, to make the best use of their days before the ugly truth of mortality dawns upon them, to distance themselves from wasted mortality - a fate none escape. The Madras Cancer Institute. The battleground for a war between life and death, between hope and despair, between Darkness and light. Strange, how people dedicate their lives to a cause. Strange, how you visit a place for an entirely different reasons from those hundreds of unknown faces. Strange, how the phrase 'We are just a mutation or two away from a disease' can have such an impact on you...like the distance between a disease and your own self, is smaller than an angstrom in your body...just one wrong step in your DNA base pairs, and its gone. And you or me could be the 11 year old girl who walked into the lab today with blood cancer, leukemia, half her hair missing, a mask tied to her face, her parents weeping for the mercy of the Lord, not knowing what to blame this unexpectedly painful fate on. Destiny.
A few hours later, a heavy heart, ghosts of those faces flashing through my mind, the wind whistling secrets of time, vehicles tearing past, the sun fulfilling the only cause it exists for - blazing sincerely - a new feeling slapped my heart. Shaking the heaviness...like a source of turbulence. People moving towards destinations far and high, moving on with life, unaware of the 'faces' that could haunt...its so difficult to believe that there are people who don't know, don't care, about the ones fighting for life...The truth of the world. It seems so ridiculous, so impossible, for a kid to cry about the wrong flavour of chips, when someone may not know what chips means, and someone else may never taste it ever again. The unfortunate truth that you and me are a part of. Its some sort of race that is impossible to win. Its a rat race. Vehicles descending the bridge on that hot afternoon gave me the feel of that rat race. The metaphors we draw out of life could be unbelievably numerous, and sometimes, unexpectedly apt.
Further down the road...that seemed more that of life, than of traffic signals and endless traffic...a little boy skipping happily, singing some tune, walking alone, smiling. He must have had a nice day. And somewhere close by, a long haired old man, talks to himself, or to somone only his eyes have the priviledge of seeing. No smile, no song, no happiness. Just a hollowness in those eyes, a face looking so consumed. The difference...one full of life, the other, a mere existence. This brought into my head 2 words that may hold no connection to the people, but have some vague link - Alone-ness and loneliness. Often confused. One can enjoy alone-ness. One should experience it once in a while, to rejuvenate the spirit and spend time with one's own mind...But loneliness, is more often the companion. Loneliness, that can surround you like a cocoon, and with reference to this post, grow on you like a cancer...loneliness a word that differs by just one letter from loveliness, but has a world of a difference in reality.
Nothing in life is permanent, except change. I've read that a million times...And it somehow paved its way into my head a few hours later...when i watched aeroplanes fly past me, every 4 minutes, on a starless, moon-less night...just a light breeze, and the smell of hot summer in the air. We make the best of things that come our way, and we enjoy the company of a few people. They come, they go, but they are given a little space in some corner of our minds, so full of thoughts. am still waiting for the day they'll report an over-flow! Sometimes i feel like we're all used by one another in a way. Its all the need of the moment...all for a purpose. Nothing in life is purpose-less, nothing in life is insignificant. Everything in life ultimately has a place, an impact and a meaning. And thats what the words on my blog title says...
But there's something beyond people...beyond the words we utter, beyond the beauty of language, beyond mundane routine, beyond the things we do and don't do, and the reasons for that. I'd like to believe there is something beyond that. Some purpose to this existence? A reason to why we are this way...The inner person. Fake.True. Depending on situations...Locked.Open. Depending on the people. Hideous. Beautiful. Depending on the conscience. Disconnected. Involved. Depending on the state of mind. Hurt. Pacified. Depending on the reasons...reasons that are born within, dwell within, and die within...reasons, that never come out. Reasons that stay unrevealed for a reason. The irony that is called life. The irony greater than any... Irony.
Quite a long post. Vinay, dono if its the one you ordered. but if it is even close to that, the bill comes up to - a)person to comment most no.of times on the post. b)Not showing a hint of a smile or a 'feel-good' feeling. c)updating your blog with a decent post regularly!!!
Yours truly
Signing off....
ok....!!! i'm the first one to comment...and i promised you that i would read the whole post..i did!! for me , this post in a certain way is really inspiring... i dunno y, but it is!!! now.. it will help me in mayb... in completing my post!!! i really liked the way you've written it!!!
caulagi - Very unexpected comment caulagi... i hadnt even finished posting the pic. But, thanks. I personally considered the post a failure. It made me think i'd lost my capability to write serious things, it made me conscious of myself, my writing, my thoughts, my conscience. Its great that you could find it 'inspiring' of all things! :D Pl do complete that post of yours... am waiting!
ah...too much to read.
i actually read this post. well written (Y)
Ah, a very serious post for a change.. Nice job!
tsb - honoured.Like u said... you actually read the post :D! And...Thanks, really.
nik - Thanks. Very serious indeed! I was told that my blog lacks variety... that lacks int he dark side. That it just imparts a feel good feeling, which is not always good to expect. Thus, the post. :D
this post was so deep. and i appreciate that you can write in different genres...that is something that is very important. you managed to stir me up inside..so i will say that this post is great!
although i do want to read the 'divs type of posts too!'...this is nice for once in a while i guess ;)
anu - :D Maybe i was really getting too monotonous! Now, these comments are making me feel good abt the post! and nu, the 'divs types of posts' will always be there as long as am this crazy! Which i trust wont change for a very long time... :)wat say!
Ok, the Italians were pretty solid, they deserved the win.
And I cheered, ok :)
I really hope Ukraine pull off a (surprise) win against Espanol tmrw
*fingers crossed*
Btw did u watch Czech - USA yday? If u didn't, u missed an entertaining match!
Oh yeah, and this is all I do these days.. watch football on TV.
So much fun!
nik - Italy did play well. The thing is ghana played well too. Ghana was great at advancing with the ball, and then they'd screw up in the end by strikin it straight out! The first italian goal was classic...and there could have been more. I came to believe that luca toni had a streak of bad luck! How many misses? But it was solid entertainment...i was tellig nil that if i wasnt wearing my braces, i'd definitely bite my nails! Good stuff... and, i will def cheer for ukraine ;-) I din watch the usa match... thatha paati were very busy watching a tamil flick - natpukaage ;-) beat that! Football's always fun! And today there are 2....bloody hell... a france and a brazil! evening occupied... :D
And how cud i forget... the ref in the italy/ghana match was so freakin unfair! Ghana deserved 2 penalties...he was so liberal with the yellow cards... an di have to say, that the italians proved they belong to the country of roberto benini! What acting man! Hated that aspect... u could make out that they werent so heart n all.... am sure they get coached for those expressions! cha! but still.... they won, and they're italy, and nothing else matters! :D
hey divs , "touched" - i mean i really felt i cud relate to every bit of it cos i ve been der wid u at d inst., it's probably 1 such place that really makes us realise how lucky we r in every aspect. am glad u wrote bout dis, dat place is wer u c d harsh realities of life, d ones dat we conveniently avoid thnkg bout. so a post like dis n places like dat def. remind us of our "wasted mortality" -very true da, n def. atleast we get d inclination 2 do sumthng in d future 4 all dese innocent victims (dat 6th std. kid we saw, really disturbing), n hats off 2 all dose wonderful ppl like Dr. Shantha who jus give up der lives 4 a wonderful cause like fighting cancer ,gr8 !!!
I must say divs .. dint smile ... until exactly the point when u asked me not to! :)
i think u felt conscious of urself rightly ... its not the kinda stuff ive read written by you. you can really bring it out and oru kalakku kalakka mudiyum!:) this is def serious ... def not 'feel good' ... but def not dark either. a searching piece that gently touches a topic and suggests a cunning hidden meaning thats dark and allows the reader to decipher it himself/herself. now that would really shake it up!! :) ... ok ill stop being rude and demanding :P ... im glad u put this up for me divs :) ... and im glad u brought out certain things that ive been thinking of posting too. that bit about an old man with long hair ... i saw one like him jus this morning in alwarpet bus stand waiting for my bus. n he's such a part of our lives! i mean ... u dont really overlook him, u accept him as how he is. and another thing is ... all the ppl we 'educated' ppl think need help, all whom we deem as deprived or unfortunate, they too have happiness. i thought u wuda noticed those subtlities in Shantaram. there's a part where he talks about how kids were taking rides in an amputated man's plank ... there's happiness if u look for it. everywhere for everyone. vagaries in wat nature gives u shud be seen as exciting diversity and variety rather than handicaps ... i remember studying something like that on blindness in English ... 11th or 12th ... long comment! :D
hope that counts also as most no.of comments ... ;)
sand - A serious comment for a change ;-) I agree with all that you said. How can i not, when we've been seeing it all every day...We're definitely doing something in the future. Thats why we're in this field...wierd how battles against nature are hardly won, and even if won, its with great difficulty... its funny to realise how blessed we are. am glad i wrote abt it too.
ram - much awaited comment. You werent being the slightest of rude and demanding sir! I actually had to read that comment a few times to understand wat u meant :) The 'cunning hidden meanings' were on purpose...to be interpreted by the reader the way he/she wants to take it...:D
so true!abt the old man...and how he is a part of our lives! He's happy aint he...talkin to whoever he is seeing. We do that too u know, but h'd be labelled a schizophrenic just cuz of his appearance and where he's sitting... cant agree more! Everyone has his/her own way to find happiness - so true. I rmbr that bit in shantaram... and the bit abt the lepers n how they are really satisfied with wat they are n happy too. Thats just the human tendency that i like to call 'acceptance'. We always learn to live with wat comes our way...its very rare that you dont want to accept, cuz doin that just worsens things. And we're here to be happy.... well, i've started crapping. That was a long comment....
And thanks! I don think i'd have ever got to writing something like this if it werent for u. It wasn dark, but it was my heart. :D
can someone please tell me wat happened to the france n brazil opening matches! pah... lacked excitement. And well, it gives me hope... that brazil after all, wont win this time!!!!! Pl God!
i updated...i'mean not the story!!
LOL... will check!
Hey Divs! Just popped in to say hi! Din read ur post though. Pretty pathetic monitor i have in front of me in this cafe!
(and ur post is a bit long what!!?)
And u wanna here sthng ironic ?? 1st week in the company and im in chennai till sat!! Hehe! They gave us a couple of days off!
ignoramus - hi!!!! b'lore babu back in overgrown village chennai huh?! Irony...lol! You sound really happy, looks like u're already havin fun ;-) hehe... yeah the post is LONG! and very serious.... for a change :D maybe i shud say, welcome back!? till saturday atleast!
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