When you have too many things to post about, the post either becomes a blabberation, or becomes too long. I don't know which of the 2 this one is going to become, but i suggest you prepare yourself to face the consequences, whatever the genre ;-) Now... to Ooty, and Kerala.
When your eyes are being subjected to a feast, it feels like your mind is lost in a dream. A mid-day reverie that you don't want to snap out of. And i found that happening to me way too often in the land of mist and rain... of flowers and peaks...of never-ending greenery. Where you live among th clouds...and walk among them, and yet you cant see yourself within them, and thus find it difficult to believe so... but end up feeling it somewhere in your heart, that it becomes true, and makes you believe. Pine forests to arrest your attention, and make your eyes prisoner....In my opinion, not a single pair of eyes would mind an exile there. You just cant stop looking...The rows of softwood...like symmetry came naturally to them!The trees beckon you to them, but the slippery soils warn you of some unexpected fate you might meet if you succumb to the temptations of the pines whose trunks seem like a stairway to heaven... for the sole reason that their highest branches and tips are lost in the mist, and blend with the sky...giving you the feeling that if you manage to climb up and have a little peek, you'll be in a world far away from ours. So here finally, is the place where the land and the sky meet in total peaceful white-ness... unlike the sea and the sky that meet in rich blue, the colour of the world. Its like living in a dream.
And then there are the winds...whose main aim it would seem, is to push you off the nearest cliff, as quickly and forcefully as possible. The wind and the drops of rain get into a conspiracy to slap your cheeks, and every exposed part of your skin so hard that its like anasthesia...makes you numb with cold. And then the chill becomes painful...Like a thousand needles are piercing your skin from nowhere...and you feel white. You feel like if you try to open your mouth, your jaw might just break away from the rest of the skeletal structure and take a nice holiday... :D But, its a great feeling(only if it happens once in a while). Struggling against that wind very simply draws a similarity to life itself... And when you reach your destination against the wind, and the view from the top is breath taking, nothing else matters. And life too, follows a similar pattern...
And the tale that Ooty has to tell moves on... from deep valleys, that seem as bottomless as an abyss, to tea gardens, to flowers of paradise, to lakes and to home-made chocolate (that i regret not tasting!). But we move on... to kerala. You get so drunken with the greenery that you start seeing everything as green...ok, that maybe an exaggeration, but the place is really green...I don't really know about the cities, but the road to kerala was wow. My mother bought something called 'pazham pori' at some tea shop on the way, which was, i think, banana fried in bajji style! It was sweet...and had 'welcome to kerala' written all over it! And then there was guruvayur...with all the lamps and the elephants...the place humbles you so much. Was beautiful. Temples.... :) Nik, you live in a beautiful state.
Thanks to the trip, i had my first tryst with a fireplace ;-) was super cool... i just kept staring at the flame and lugging more wood... And looking at the reflection of the fire in someone's eyes gives you such an eerie feeling! My aunt's eyes literally looked like they were on fire... lol. And we also had this 5.5hour train journey climbing up to ooty... it was the cheapest travel we made i guess. 11 bucks a ticket for such a long journey in a cute little chuc chuc train that kept stopping and whistling and crying its chucchucs...and that is an antique piece that runs on coal! Some experience... :)
The trip cost my dad money...but cost me... some football matches that i very badly wanted to see... but well, now that am back, i can have it all :)
Yours 'Italy into the quarters' ly
Signing off....
hey , perfect title for d post, so how do u feel after cumng back 2 solid chennai earth, after dwelling in d clouds mam :)
n yes how cud u not hav tasted dose delicious home made chocs. in d land of d clds yaar, if u wud hav u wud def. hav bcum d brand ambasdr of dat also yaar, i thnk ur very satisfied wid addidas rite now , loll ;)
sand - It feels great to be back in chennai, as always :) here's where the heart is man! No place is substitute... anyway, yeah i din tate the chocs! don add fuel to the fire pleeez! U've already been sayin it for a long time...!! And LOL to your adidas thingy! Ya maybe am so satisfied with adidas ;-) thats definitely a possibilty!
kerala is a beautiful place.
its just that its the people who stay there that spoil the experience.
people like nikhil. :@
looks like u had a greeat time over there...kerala is a beautiful place..and yes u did miss some really good football matches....but what r the highlights for?? but the ooty shocolates rn't really that good...so u havn't missed anything much....
tsb - yeah...beautiful. But wats with the people? ;-) Nik, looks like u're being attacked... or tsb, was it just some bad experience with a kerala mol? ;-)
suk - hmm, i did miss the matches. But i guess it was worth it... and thankls for telling me the chocs don taste so good! I feel much better now :) have u tasted them?
i used to have to keep going to kerala in the hols...dont know if you remember...anyway...it IS Gods own Country :)
Kerala is beautiful?
*cannot stop laughing*
Hmm, ok, yeah, all the "tourist" places are beautiful.
And, Bharat, I refuse to respond to your undignified, dirty attack on me.
We were supposed to be Fockers, rmbr?
And no, Italy DID NOT deserve that penalty.
Australia was the superior team on that day.
Bloody dumbass referee.
k no more fuel 2 d fire, but dey def. r yummy ya,cant deny dat fact ya, loll, nyways -by d way how much does Addidas pay u mam? - lolll - n still u hesitate so much in giving us a treat, wot re ;)
i only insult people i love, nikhil.
wait, that didnt come out right :shifty eyes:
also, i wanted australia to lose. i ve had enough of losing to them in cricket, and it was time to end their cockiness once and for all.
guus huddink is an amazing coach however. last yr south korea and this yr australia. if onlee he had a better team to work with.
No probs, Bharat :-p
*wink, wink*
I don't like the Aussie cricket team either, but that dislike does not extend to Australia as such (I mean, Ms Kidman, Ms Watts, Anzac chocolate chip cookies... I love them). The Socceroos deserved a fair chance, which the ref denied them.
And Guus Hiddink is a wizard, yes. He's headed to Russia. Boy oh boy, Russia is gonna create a few upsets at Euro 2008
Doesn football talk always save the comments ;-) LOL!
Anu - Ofcourse i rmbr!!! And yes, God's own country... :D
Nik - I guess you'll never realise the beauty of kerala cuz u belong to it...;-) and i din go to any hi funda tourist spot... it was just the drive, and guruvayur.Now, to football...
I totally agree that italy din deserve that penalty. But thats definitely not their fault. They got lucky, and totti had better score that! I guess the win would have been more acceptable if the match went on to the penalty shoot outs... anyway, they're into the quarters...and i don think they'll go too far. and better luck next time to the socceroos! They'll have a more 'fair' ref...
And ofcourse your dislike for aus has to stop somehwhere! Lol... maybe u shud add russel crowe to the dislike list? lolz...
tsb - a very 'eyebrow raising' comment there....
"i only insult people i love, nikhil." - LOL!!!!!!!
Sand - Porum di!!!!!! and abt my pay, contact me personally ;-) u know my number na... ;-)
And nik, u guys were fockers... and i think u should continue to update that ignored blog! Come on man.. thats where it all started na? this whole network... pl keep it alive. It was so much fun...
And nik again, thanks for commenting so mnay times! LOL!
Damn, I don't think I hv danced this wildly in months.. when Lehmann saved that penalty na, wow, all of us went maaad..
And oh yeah, you (Italy) and me (Ukraine) are going head to head in exactly an hour from now.. May the better team win.. *insert LOTR battle music*
Ok alright, Italy won. Damn, Ukraine should've scored atleast one. Anyway..
nik - Ayala's my guy man. He's been on my yahoo profile pic ever since arg played their first match! And he scored in the 49th minute... i was euphoric! I jumped so much... and then he missed his penalty... and it was sad! Lehman of all people had to save it... damn.It'd have been more acceptable if it was Kahn atleast! Lehman... who got a red card when arsenal played barcelona... anyway, i think it was a big blow to arg.They're a great team... germany just had all the home glory. Really sad stuff...
And now... italy up against germany! Italy played it easy with ukraine... maybe ukr should have scored one...they got close just once or twice, and i give it to the italian defence. They're a fortress. :) Toni finally scored 2... obv, i loved it. The azzurris...I dont know how much to hope for their next match! Am not sayin they're beatin ger, but it'd be great if they advance! ofcourse tsb's not goin to like that ;-) Anyway... to dear italy, May God be with you!! :D
germany! germany! germany! germany! germany! germany! germany! germany! germany! germany! germany! germany!
I could have coutered that with 12 italies... but i'll remain silent, and allow them to perform :)
I hate to see grown up smart looking men crying... and crying so hard. England... it started with beck cryin when he got injured... n then at the end, damn man! Terry, rio... broke down! They did such a neat job of the defence...Anyway, i guess some things are just meant to be. Why is football such a personal thing? Damn...
woot! i knew france would do me proud.
the portugal vs. england match, i couldnt care less who won because at that time, i thought they both would anyway to lose to brasil.
i dont like portugal because they are all just wussies, and i dont like england just because they are england.
meh, germany ftw! the germany argentina match was just amazing.
Am proud of france too! I've always wanted brazil to get kicked out... it was unbelievable! But somehow, i din feel happy! The thing i've been hoping for finally happened, and it din make me euphoric! But ofcourse am glad... The worldcup's open to any of the 4 teams now...its goin to be interesting.
I never liked portugal too much either, but there was this feelin that they'd beat england... the way eng's been playin...the ger arg match was painful. Anyway, its goin to be some wait!
God bless italy... just berlin to cross to the cup! :D
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